Fourier Spectra

This page contains different graphics, taken during lab, depicting the Fourier spectra of different style wave forms at different frequencies. Also depicted are the Fourier spectra for the phase locked loop system used for demodulation.

Figure 1 Left.) Fourier Spectra of 1kHz square wave using oscilloscope

Figure 2 Left.) Fourier Spectra of 5kHz triangle wave

Figure 3 Left.) Fourier Spectra for 20kHz sine wave

Figure 4 Left.) Fourier Spectra of an 80kHz sine wave FM modulated by a sine wave at 1kHz, with a deviation of 10kHz

Figure 5 Left.) Fourier Spectra of an 80kHz sine wave FM modulated by sine wave at 1kHz, with a deviation of 10kHz

Figure 6 left.) Fourier Spectra for the phase locked loop system running at a center frequency of 75 kHz, with a frequency shift keying modulated at 100Hz, with a deviation of 2kHz.

Figure 7 Left.) Fourier Spectra for the phase locked loop system with a center frequency of 75kHz, with an FM modulated frequency of 100Hz and a deviation of 2kHz.