Grow the Food

Over the last several years, the world has been experiencing an unprecedented moment due to the COVID pandemic. It has made us re-examine our supply chains and how we get our food. It’s a time of increased anxiety and food insecurity, and a time when mental health and wellness are challenged by new barriers. Building resilience through gardening and how to find free food, may help if only a little.

In the Monadnock Region, there are many organizations working to strengthen our local food system in a variety of ways. Since 2013, these organizations have been meeting in the Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition's (MFCC) quarterly forums and in work groups to build an equitable, sustainable, and robust local food system in the Monadnock Region. MFCC and its members share a common interest in food security, wellness, nutrition, community empowerment and resilience.

We believe providing gardening training and resources to families and individuals to grow their own food and to find food can help carry the Monadnock Region through unique challenges with a sense of self-reliance, health, food security and empowerment.

Historically, people often pursue growing their own food during major crises. Thank you to the Historical Society of Cheshire County for this use of this article by Alan Rumrill.

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