Food & Gardens for a resilient Monadnock

Food & Gardens for a Resilient Monadnock recognizes the Monadnock Region's overwhelming desire to garden, and the need to make it easier for everyone to access the resources necessary to pursue gardening during the post-COVID growing season. We also recognize the need for all households to have access to fresh, healthy, locally produced food whether in a time of crisis or not. 

Take a workshop

Sign up for the Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition newsletter for information on monthly gardening workshops. 

Learn how individuals can participate in and how organizations/businesses can support everyone in Food & Gardens for a resilient Monadnock. 

Find out about where to find free and available food in the Monadnock Region. Learn more about programs that make locally produced food more affordable. 

Find out about local discounts, material donations, and the location of resources to pursue gardening in the Monadnock Region. Educate yourself and learn how to garden through online resources and events that will help you cultivate, prepare, and preserve your own nutritious food. This section will continue to be updated across the growing season.

Join the Gardening Connections in the Monadnock Region Facebook page and share your own story of growing resilience with the wider community using the hashtag #GrowingResilienceMonadnock

Food & Gardens for a Resilient Monadnock was born out of a high level of interest in community and home gardening post-COVID and to address the struggle of many families struggling to find food that is healthy, fresh and affordable. The Food Access working Group of the Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition noticed and decided to organize their resources in coordination to support this desire across the Monadnock Region.