
Százhalombattai Arany János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium

This school is the biggest and the most comprehensive school in Százhalombatta with 858 students and 81 teaching staff. It is both a primary and a secondary school with a separate department for students with special needs. In secondary school we specialise in Natural Sciences, Math and IT and a five-year long programme specialized in foreign languages. The institution has a dynamic teaching staff involved in a number of projects either at regional and international levels. The project „READ in Europe” started in 2015 and we have been seeking solutions for developing students’ basic literacy skills and making reading and writing more popular among students by combining them with drama and creative activities. We have been developing teaching materials for informal language courses and collection of ideas and resources to engage students more in activities that contribute to the development of their basic skills. The project titled „safe.netizens@eu” started in September 2017 with the intention of enabling our students to became conscious and safe digital citizens. We are working on topics related to the nine elements of Digital Citizenship and jointly develop a curriculum for incorporating these topics in our everyday teaching practice.

We are currently implementing the School’s European Development Plan because of our participation in a KA1 staff mobility project named “ Készülj! tanul! Kapcsolj! ”. The project addresses teachers’ digital skills and during this project teachers take part in training courses about using ICT tools and develop digital learning materials. In 2018 we submitted an application for a KA1 staff mobility project on integrating culture in our teaching practice and realizing cross-curricular project activities with an emphasis on cultural heritage.

We are highly convinced that the project we are applying for will provide us with a huge opportunity for disseminating and sharing our acquired knowledge and by connecting the project activities we can ensure the professional development not only of the teachers belonging to our institution, but also other professional on local, regional, national and international level.

As our SWOT analysis pointed out the topic area that we really need development is using CLIL materials and carrying out cross-curricular projects with the cooperation of multiple departments. That is our primary motivation for implementing this project since the other project partners have expertise in these fields.

Our need analysis highlighted the need for developing the basic literacy, digital and language skills of our students through various extra-curricular and informal project activities. As an answer to this, this year our school started a project titled BÁTÉMA, which commemorates the 500th anniversary of our city and we work with close collaboration with Matrica Museum, the Archeological Park and the Library of our town on the cultural heritage and history of our region. We aim at implementing a variety of activities, and the project we are applying for will provide a huge opportunity for expanding our scale of activities to European level.

Our team consists of 9 members to ensure the balanced distribution of tasks and the smotth implementation of project activities in case any of them leaves the project.