
1o Geniko Lykeio Kaisarianis

1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Καισαριανής

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The First Senior High School of Kaisariani promotes experimental learning, via which cultural awareness, moral values appreciation and insight to other cultures are cultivated. Encouraging our students to enhance their critical thinking skills and their creativity is the cornerstone of our work. We also aim at designing and implementing collaboration of the higher level in our daily teaching/learning practice, be it amongst students or teachers. Collaboration, and helping students be interdependent rather than just working together, fosters healthy relationships in the school community, as through it students assume responsibility while utilizing both their cognitive and their affective skills.

Putting theory into practice, our school has conducted an array of projects and long term programmes which enhance our students' higher order thinking skills, moving on from plain retention of knowledge to critical thinking and problem solving.

The following list will be of aid when it comes to being acquainted with our work:

· Our school participates in the Euroscola program every year and our students have won the first prize by representing our country in the European Parliament (2013).

· (November 2013) Our school was chosen by the Commission of the European Parliament in Greece to participate in the Euronest meeting held in Strasbourg, representing our country.

· (2012) Co-founded with Instituto Publico Ronda in Lleida, Spain the eTwinning programme "Europe Tomorrow: Europia- looking at the present for an improvement in the future" and received the first prize at the e-Twinning European Conference (Stockholm, October 2013) as well as the European Label for Languages (European Language Label for 2013) by our State Scholarship Foundation (

· Cultural programs conducted in our school:

• The portrait of Van Gogh.

• Impressionism: Monet, Guaugin, Van Gogh.

• Effie Michelis: The Greek naive painter.

• Architecture of houses in Asia Minor -Izmir.

• Byzantine Hellenism.

• Pablo Picasso and his time.

• Anton Gaoudi, the brilliant architect.

• Klimt, the painter of sensations.

• Ecological economics, protection of nature

• Biodiversity, protection of the natural environment

• Nowadays Aristotle lives ... at CERN

• Visit to the country of the kings of Macedonia

Environmental programs carried out in Greece are as follows:

• Stone bridges of Epirus


Biodiversity, bioaccumulation, eutrophication of marine ecosystems (within the network - School moves with Perseus, • Participation in the Euro-Mediterranean Network Program - Climate Change, 2013, Nice, France.

· (2012) We participated in the European Parliament's simulation program in Brussels.

· (September 2013- April 2014) Our school was a Youth in Action beneficiary giving the "Europia" participants the opportunity to collaborate in person (

· More students' exchanges within the Youth in Action programme:

• February 2012: Zamosc, Poland. Subject: Heaven is the limit.

• August 2012: Istanbul, Turkey. Subject: Listen to your heartbeat.

• September 2012 Sharkoy, Turkey. Subject: To be woman.

• February 2013: Krakow, Poland. Subject: Crime, violence, tolerance.

• July 2013 England, Dudley. Topic: Art and Inspiration through the Internet.

• August 2013: Uzstruki Dolne, Poland. Subject: Green eyes.

• November 2013, Lublin, Poland. Subject: Against social exclusion - youth in Lublin Region.

• December 2013 Zakopane, Poland. Subject: Art and music therapy.

· (March 2013) Awarded at the National Competition of La Francophonie conducted by the French Institute of Athens, for our participation with the work entitled: "The Goddess of Miletus".

· (2013-2014) eTwinning programmes, "Why Should I Vote? Right or obligation?, with Austria and Sweden ( and "How to reconcile work and family life" with our Spanish partner from Lleida (

· (2014-2015) eTwinning "The Career Project". Our school was the co-coordinator of 12 European senior high schools (

· (2014-2016) Participation in the Erasmus+ 2014-2016 "Jeunes eco-entrepreneurs d'Europe along with partners from Spain, Belgium, Romania, France and Italy.

· (2015-2017) Participation in the Teachers4Europe initiative (

· (2015-2017)Participating as Teacher Mentors in the Mentoring Practicum organized by the University of Athens aiming at acquainting graduates with teaching practices (courses involved: Greek, History and English).

· Participation in debates (2015, 2016 & 2017)

· (2017) Participation in the Francophonie competition 2016 & 2017. We were awarded the first prize for "Starting all over":

• (2016-17) Simulation of the Council of Europe

· (2017) Participating in the Open School for Open Society Programme aiming to utilise STEM courses as a springboard for sustainable schools (

As it is obvious from the aforementioned programmes, our school always seeks initiatives to acquaint students with concepts and ideas relating to one's national as well as European identity; in this light, we view cultural heritage as a cornerstone for fulfilling this purpose. Being granted the opportunity to familiarize our students with their national heritage as well as that of their European partners, we believe that a strong network of culturally aware young citizens will be created, who will in turn serve as multipliers for their schoolmates. Our school itself is located in Kaisariani, a history laden area, where immigrants settled once forced to abandon Asia Minor in 1922 and political prisoners were executed during the Second World. Teaching history has always been our priority.

Always valuing history, we have been co-operating with Benaki Museum (,the Museum of Acropolis (, the National Museum of Contemporaty Art (, The Niarhos Foundation (, the Michelis Foundation (, the Jewish Museum (conducting seminars on the Holocaust and Crocus project) ( and the Theoharakis Foundation ( We are currently in the process of having our school twinned with the Apostle Varnavas High School in Cypus. Last but not least, we have an active drama club in which our students explore nontraditional learning through working on their affective domain.

Striving for the best result possible, we always implement new teaching practices at school, such as Blended and Flipped learning helping our students make the best of their learning experience.