Research Projects

Research Achievements:

Research Projects: 

TEACHING AGENTS, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY                                                                            2023 – Till Date 

•       Working with Teachable Agents on improving students' learning environment.  Particularly focused on comprehending students' interactions and responses with the application, utilizing computer vision techniques to capture facial expressions and human dynamics. Working on developing vision transformer models for action recognition for the Nursing Teaching environment.  Working on developing a unified multi-modality transformer for the learning environment.

LIGO TRANSFORMER, DATA SCIENCE INSTITUTE VANDERBILT, USA                                                  2023 – Till Date

  Working on a project to develop a state-of-the-art audio transformer model(WHISPER-like architecture from scratch) to study the data coming from the LIGO observatory, in the hopes of better understanding gravity waves data and building a model to identify these events.

HOME AUTOMATION FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE USING AI                                                                               2019 – Till Date 

•       Along with a small team I am working on developing “The Smart Home” for elderly people, as a part of it, we are working on automating multiple household tasks based on Deep Learning and Computer Vision in the outfit domain(Closet Automation, Laundry Automation), food domain( Groceries Ordering System) etc.  

PROTEIN EXPRESSION PREDICTION, CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE RESEARCH, USA                                         20222022

•  Working on a project to predict protein expression for different constructs in plants as a part of insect control process using Ray Distributed systems, NLP CornBert Model, Optuna Tuning, and XGBoost Regressor.

TRAVEL ITINERARY USING DATA TECHNIQUES                                                                                                   2021 – 2022

•       Working on a project to create a travel itinerary based on advanced computer science algorithms and ML clustering techniques.  


•       Developed a duel axis solar tracking system to improve the efficiency of the traditional solar panel by combing both duel axes panels light sensors and timer-based tracking systems. This project was funded by the Indian Central Government (MSME) of worth 900K INR.

CONCENTRATED PHOTO VOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM                                                                                                         2013-2016

•       Worked on developing a new way to capture solar power efficiently by concentrating solar power using a parabolic concentrator and produced electricity from it using a significantly smaller solar panel system. This was also funded by MSME worth 900K INR for further development.

UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI IT                    2017- 2018

•       Worked on a research project at University of Cincinnati with UCIT Medical and Library team to develop a control vocabulary system in existing UC research webpages by extracting RDF meta NOSQL files to SQL EAV database using SPARQL and SSIS. Further developed a visualization system to show different reference work of the professors in connected graphs using python.  

WIRELESS METERING USING RS485                                                                                                                                2014 – 2015

•       Worked with the Electrical & Electronics and Electrical & Communications departments as a Research Assistant to develop Wireless Smart Metering Shield by combining ATMEGA 328, RS-485, SMPS, and Zigbee microcontrollers using Arduino language to capture meter readings remotely.   

CINCINNATI CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL LAB                                                                                                           2018 – 2018

•       worked on a problem to understand the mechanisms of gene transcriptional regulation by applying clustering on DNA patterns. Worked on end-to-end of the project from data extraction from different resources, data transformation to machine learning development(Clustering) etc.