
To find my recent projects work please follow this link   Github :

·        Developed Income Prediction Naive-Bayes Tree algorithm using weka to predict the income of an individual.

·      Developed a Regression tree without using in inbuilt libs based on Gini index and popularity based spiting index for Breast Cancer Prognostics data set and Wine Quality data sets in Python.

·        Decision Tree algorithm to predict whether the patient is normal or abnormal from biomechanical data.

·        Developed Linear SVM and non-linear SVM with RBF on Bio-mechanical data in Python.

·        Developed a K-means algorithm on BCP and Wine Quality data set in Python.

·        Linear Regression with single feature and multiple features: Developed an algorithm to predict the patient illness.

·        Using the Hadoop streaming API, built a mapper and reducer scripts to analyze the vehicle accident data.

·        Developed a project to analyze the weather data set using Hive.

·        Developed a cloud web application user create account and login web application in the cloud using AWS.

·        Currently working on developing a fully automated smart home model which can handle its cleaning process, cooking process, reminding the events, ordering groceries, suggesting some interesting stories/ videos to the home holder for entertainment and showing the statistics in the home in a tableau dashboard. ( Still working on researching and designing the flow).

·        Developed a computer vision based outfit classification system to classify different types of dresses. 

·        Developed a deep learning cv system to classify dogs and cats.