Bell-graham & Wasco Orchestra program

Welcome to the Bell-Graham and Wasco Orchestra page!

Please click on your child's ensemble page to see information pertaining to them.

Updates to the schedule can be found on the calendar page.

(Page updated 9/6/19)

When does orchestra start?

Students will participate in small-group LESSONS one time each week during the regular school day, as well as large-group orchestra REHEARSALS before school one day each week. Lessons begin the week of August 26. Morning orchestra rehearsals will begin the week of September 16th.

In school lessons are IN ADDITION TO before school rehearsals.

What orchestra is my student in?

Junior Strings: (beginning level) This orchestra is for 1st year beginners. Students can begin a stringed instrument in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. If your student played a stringed instrument last year, they are either in Symphonic or Chamber.

Symphonic Strings: (intermediate level) This orchestra is for students in their second year of playing.

Chamber Orchestra: (advanced level) This orchestra is for students in their third year of playing.

Lesson Schedules:

In our district’s effort to help students achieve a balance in their academic schedule, we use a rotating lesson schedule. Students are assigned a lesson group number and have a designated day for their lessons. Their lesson time rotates through various times each week. (If they were at 9:00 last week, they might go at 9:30 this week, and 10:00 next week, etc.) Lesson groups are generally created by instrument, classroom, and level of playing.


Who are the orchestra teachers?

-Mr. Christopher Pettit—Teaches Junior Strings, Symphonic, and Chamber Orchestra students @ Bell-Graham and Symphonic and Chamber Orchestra students @ Wasco.

-Mrs. Laurie Pettit—Teaches Junior Strings students @ Wasco. (She also teaches at Richmond.)