Photo Gallery

My photos are all here. I am having so much fun living these experiences that sometimes I forget to take pictures. I suggest you also check out my friend Brittany's blog. She is doing a much better job at taking pictures than I am. Her website is She doesn't have them all up yet, but she has loads of pics!

The last few days in Sweden were so jam packed that I did not get too many pictures. Here are the ones I did get!

Valla by night. So pretty!

Blood pudding!

Carolers at the Christmas Market

Fika and Gamla Christmas Market!

Brittany on Vallastadens' slide!

Burgers and a service inside the cathedral!

My note to the students, one last hurrah in my corridor with IR and the Teaching Tigers, and a meme Brittany made that pretty much sums up how we both felt at the end of our time in Sweden.

Definitely the experience of a lifetime. I would not have missed this for anything. I am so glad for all of the people I met, the students I was able to teach, and all of the experiences I was able to have. Thank you, everyone, for everything.

Sunday, December 1, 2019 First day of Advent! Corridor Cleaning Day!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2019 LONDON PHOTO DUMP!!!!

British Museum, cool buildings on the streets, famous landmarks, and more! (Did you know that English pence, when assembled properly, have England's coat of arms on the back? It's really cool!)

My friends, who graciously let us stay at their flat during our visit! We were having fun and goofing off when this picture was taken.

Brittany and I had graduation pictures taken in Trafalgar Square. Mine will go in this space once I get them all downloaded and sorted. I thank you for your patience. I have a lot of pictures to go through.

Friday, November 29, 2019 Visiting Folkungaskolan with Brittany and the trip to Arlanda Airport!

Someone wanted to get McDonalds to compare it to American McDonalds. She says it tastes much better here than in the States.

Also, we found a rune stone, a hopscotch, and the escalator of death at Arlanda Airport!

Brittany didn't like the escalator.

Thursday, November 28, 2019 School, home, Thanksgiving, and random pictures!

You can see into my classroom!

The front of my school, Vallastadensskola.

The creepy laundry hallway in my corridor.


The Viking playground near to the school and the school's normal playground. It was amazing amounts of fun!

Henke's hiding place! Nobody could find him!

These woods connected the two playgrounds. Students were allowed to play in the woods during recess, too!

These were all parts of the students' regular playground. It was huge!

The football (soccer) field and behind the school.


Thanksgiving dinner was a success!!! Ham, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, green beans, and Mudcake!

Sunday, November 24, 2019 Downtown Linköping, some really awesome buildings, and candy!

I know I have a picture of this church already, but it's so pretty! This time in the daytime!

The burger place

The candy shop.

The candy is all sold in bulk!!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Some neat looking buildings and the fountain down by the Christmas Market!

Christmas Market fun!

The goodies I bought at the Market!

Almost the whole group! Brittany and I tried Glögg for the first time! (It's a hot mulled wine drink. This one was non-alcoholic!) We went to the Christmas Market with IR and other exchange students from Germany and Switzerland!

Brittany found churros and candy apples! She had the Europeans all try them! The consensus was that they are way too good to be healthy for you. They may not be wrong...

This picture was taken off of my balcony at 4:15 pm tonight. It is really that dark outside already. It feels like 10pm or later.

New coat buying adventure time! I got to IKEA just before 5pm. I see how dark it is!

This was a hill I had to bike up. Usually you can plan your trip around hills. Not tonight, though...

Success! A new coat!

Friday, November 22, 2019 - MOVIE NIGHT WITH IR!!!

A real Kinder Egg!!

Opening up...

With a surprise inside!

It's a jaguar!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday was a nice, laid back day. Thursday night I pretty much stayed inside and hung out in my common room. We did get plane tickets for London, though! We'll be there in a week!

Trying new food! Beet root salad and meatballs!

Brittany wasn't as enthused. But I loved it!

This is a magazine that the students read at school to learn about kids in other countries!

A book that my students are reading in Swedish for Swedish class. I found it in English at the University!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Villevalla Pub Night!

Board games and food with IR! I had chicken with fries and ice cream! The game we're playing is called Ticket to Ride!

A sign in the bathroom I thought was funny.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exploring downtown Linköping! I know Brittany got some better pictures of this excursion, so go check out her website, too! (Linked at the top.)

This is an historic cathedral in downtown Linköping. I thought it looked really cool.

Eating burgers downtown with Lois and Oscar!

Monday, November 18, 2019

These are really cool...houses? apartment buildings? near the school that I work at. Eventually, I'll be not freezing my fingers off too much when I go to school and remember to take a picture of the building. I'm not allowed to take pictures of any of the students, however, for security reasons.

Sorry for the lamp glare, but this is our courtyard! Everything is always this wet. Always.

These are our recycling boxes. They are VERY big on recycling here in Sweden.

My kitchen! I share this with the other students on my side of the corridor.

My fridge! I share this with an exchange student from Spain! He's pretty cool.

The stairs outside my corridor.

My corridor! You have to take your shoes off before walking in here!

Our common room! Our corridors are named Fylleryd! I still have no clue what that means...

Just inside my door

My coat rack and door to my bathroom

My tiny bathroom...but it's just MINE! I don't have to share!

My dorm room. I'm the only one that lives in here!

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Amsterdam is very photogenic!

We had to dash across the airport, so this is unfortunately the only picture I have in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. :(

Our first view of Sweden!!!

Getting closer!

Touchdown at Linköping Airport!

Our first meal in Sweden! Köttbullar and potatoes at IKEA! (with Julmust and lingon berry juice!)

They have an American section in the supermarket!!!

They apparently eat Hawaiian pizza like we eat pepperoni. EVERY brand of pizza had pineapple & ham pizza.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

On the next flight!

Off to Amsterdam!!!

This flight was an overnight flight from 6:30 pm EST to 8am Amsterdam time. I think Brittany got some better pictures of everything we had on the plane. Go check out her website, too! (It's linked at the top of this gallery.)

Fountain in the Detroit Airport

Teaching Brittany how to use chopsticks

And making her try new foods...

Our first plane on the trip! Leaving Nashville!

Waiting to board the plane in Nashville.

On the plane!

The week before...

Meeting the Swedish Students that came to America!

No sleep the night before! We're too excited!

On the road to the airport!

October 2019

The full Elizabethtown Regional Campus Fall Graduating class of 2019!

Brittany and I are ready to go with our towel! Sweden, here we come!

My fellow teacher candidates (minus one) from Elizabethtown, KY.

My WKU IST towel. First rule: always know where your towel is.