E Math Instruction
Their Philosophy
eMathInstruction was founded on the simple premise that 21st century technology can and will change the entire landscape of mathematics education. What was once a field dominated by hardbound textbooks, rote practice, and predictable tests has been replaced by standards based and ever changing assessments. Graphing calculator technology and dynamic geometry software allow us to explore, conjecture, and solve more types of problems. But too often states “raise the bar” by packing more and more content into the school year, sacrificing depth for breadth. Never has the saying a mile wide but only an inch deep been more appropriate.
The standard model of secondary mathematics education has been dominated by the individual teacher working solo with a hardbound textbook doing the best she or he can to interpret the ever changing standards thrown at them by state governments. With greater demands on a teacher’s time from increased paperwork, meetings, evaluations, and modifications, it’s no wonder that so many feel overwhelmed and cannot devote the time they would like to being creative.
eMathInstruction seeks to build a new model of mathematics education, one that is more flexible and responsive to a teacher’s needs than the standard hardbound textbook. Our primary product is the e-textbook. The e-text is much more than a textbook in electronic form. It is a collection of day to day lessons with associated homeworks. The lessons develop enduring knowledge based on exploration and Socratic discussion. Important concepts are developed with scaffold-ed exercises. Minimal but important discussion text is provided between exercises. These lessons are not a textbook in the traditional sense. They are a structure that a classroom teacher can use to know that they are covering state standards, while at the same time ensuring a high degree of mathematical discussion, development and exploration. Homeworks are included with each lesson that further strengthen essential skills and enduring knowledge. Problems on the homework are classified as either skill building, application, or reasoning.
Some might feel that these lessons take freedom away from a teacher or stifle their creativity. At eMathInstruction we believe it is entirely the opposite. These lessons comprise approximately 60% of the school year. In fact, they give teachers the breathing room to be creative by taking care of the day to day task of lesson creation. We give teachers the time to create quality activities, reviews, and assessments.