Delta Math

Delta Math for Geometry & Algebra 2.pdf

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Set up Instructions

For additional practice and for those who wish to raise your grade for Extra Credit, please utilize the Delta Math platforming conjunction with our lessons. Delta Math Assignments are grouped by Topic/Unit per marking period. Each assignment may have multiple sections and questions

Here’s how to use Delta Math:

          1. Log in to your account and go to “Tools”
          2. Click “Manage Login and Teachers”
          3. Below Teacher / Class Information, click “Add Teacher”
          4. Enter: 267770 in the blank for Teacher Code. Click “Add Teacher”

Select that you are in period in 5. In Assignments, you’ll see the topics we have covered in the order they were taught.

If you don’t have a Delta Math account, you need to create one:

            1. Go to:
            2. Click Create Account, for Student
            3. Enter Teacher Code: 267770, and click Submit
            4. Teacher Verification will pop up with Mr. Simone’s information. Click Yes.
            5. 5. Fill out the student information using your PRHS Email ONLY.
            6. Make a password using your ID # and select that you are in the Period you are in.
            7. Click Create Account