What We Do

Transforming the Complexity of Data into your Strategic Advantage

Research is essential for business success; it ensures decisions are data-driven and meet the changing needs of the target market. A significant hurdle in leveraging market research effectively is the challenge of data overload. Businesses, regardless of their size—from large corporations to small teams or even solo entrepreneurs—collect data from a variety of sources, like, surveys, social media, sales, and customer feedback. With all this information at their disposal, it can be difficult to make clear plans on what to do next. 

Our Mission: We stand at the unique intersection of science and business, embodying the bridge that connects academic theory with the practical strategies essential for today’s competitive business environment. We address a critical challenge that our clients face: navigating the complexity of data-driven decision-making in an era where data abundance should translate to strategic advantage, yet often results in analysis paralysis.

What We Offer: Digital Marketing Strategy, Market Research, Lead Generation, Keyword Research, Customer Personas, Market Segmentation, Usability Testing, Competitive Analysis, Copywriting, Interviews, Focus Groups, Customer Reviews, Survey Design, Data Collection, Literature Review, Data Analytics, and Reporting

Our Approach: We don't just create; we innovate with precision. By working with us, gone are your days of ineffective research application, data overwhelm, stagnant growth due to traditional approaches lacking innovative evidence-based strategies, and investing in digital marketing strategies that are not grounded in rigorous market research and analysis

Schedule a free consultation to learn how to propel your business forward with Process Pioneers. Don't let data overwhelm dictate your business - transform it into your most powerful asset. Let's journey together towards redefining marketing with a research-driven approach.

Sample Client Work and Evidence of Expertise

Market Research: Lead Generation

A recent client hired us for lead generation. They were seeking assistance in identifying companies operating in specific locations that fit their ideal customer profile. Our role was to work with the client in developing the ideal customer profile attributes, conduct research to determine fit to the profile, and provide recommendations.

Survey Design & Usability Testing

I am trained in measurement science. I have worked on both the development and evaluation side. My approach to measure development starts with reviewing the literature to find measures in your topic area that have been deemed both reliable (produces the same results on repeated administrations) and valid (quality of inferences, claims, or decisions drawn from the measure scores) in research settings. There are various metrics used for assessing reliability and validity; the scores from these metrics signal whether or not we can have confidence in score results. I review the literature to locate measures testing your topics of interest that we know work and will provide you with valuable insights. 

One of our recent survey design clients owns a top-rated app that helps people to quit vaping. The job was to create a user survey to better understand the behaviors of those using his app. He provided me with his topics of interest and I got to work using my results-supported process. We then collaboratively worked to finalize what evidence-based questions best fit his needs and created his final product. 

Academic Services: Literature Reviews

Over the past decade, literature reviews have been central to my career as both a researcher and consultant. I've developed a strong expertise in both scoping and systematic literature reviews, gaining recognition in the academic community. I've published in leading academic journals and had the privilege of authoring chapters in two prestigious books (Measures and outcomes in implementation science & Advancing Implementation Science Measurement). My most notable contribution to the field was work funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), where my team completed 46 independent systematic reviews in order to identify all existing quantitative assessment measures used in behavioral health implementation studies. The image to the left outlines my rigorous evidence-based process. 


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