Retention Initiatives


Mentorship program video.mp4

Mentorship Program


Graduate study is tough! Our mission is to support students who are members of underrepresented groups in order to work toward an equitable learning environment. 

As part of the Mentorship Program, students are paired with an alumni mentor who they feel aligns with their background and/or professional interests. Mentors provide guidance to student trainees as they navigate the program and develop professionally as clinical psychologists. 


We seek to support students who identify with any of the following domains:  

socioeconomic status (low income), minority racial or ethnic status, first generation, international student, multi-lingual, LGBTQIA+, mental or physical health challenges, Veteran status, non dominant religious or spiritual orientation, etc.,    

If you answered YES (or even maybe), read on and reach out to us! 


Effective mentoring relationships are based on shared interests, strong communication, and mutually agreed-upon expectations, as well as an overall commitment to the relationship. The pairs may not necessarily live in close proximity to each other, but are expected to ensure regular communication for one year. The commitment consists of at least 1 meeting a month, for about an hour in length via video call or phone.  We encourage mentor-mentee pairs to continue their mentoring relationship beyond one year if they choose.

Interested in being a mentor?

        Click here to express interest in mentoring 

When you express an interest, we will send you the application to fill out your mentor bio for interested mentees to peruse.  

Interested in being a mentee? 

Click here to express interest in being a mentee

When you express an interest, we will send you the available mentor bios and then facilitate the matching process based on your preferences.