

verb: a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.

This page is to be used a way for you to have autonomy to choose which Journal Prompt to answer.

Benefits of Journaling

Daily journaling, for just a few minutes every day, can play a role in many different health benefits in our lives. Some of these Benefits include...

  • Self Expression

  • Self awareness

  • Practice bringing attention to emotions

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Practice gratitude

  • Increase your mood

  • Improve your sense of well-being

But... how do I start?

We will only be able to see the benefits of journaling if we make it a consistent habit.

First, I recommend doing your journaling in a physical notebook versus an app or on your phone.

Second, this needs to happen consistently and become a habit. Make the idea and habit of journaling attractive to you. How do I do that?

  • Morning person? Try setting it on the counter right next to where you make breakfast so that its in plain sight and you see it every morning.

  • Night owl? Try setting your journal on your night stand so that every night before bed, its right next to you.

  • Don't journal longer than you enjoy. This is not a chore, you get to do this.. for YOU! If you lose interest after 3 minutes, then journal for just 3 minutes.

Some Additional Benefits to Journaling!

  1. Teaches us how to be present and focus on the current moment.

  2. Increases our Self-Awareness

  3. Improve our communication with those who are close to us

  4. Allows us to practice self-reflection