Mr. Price's 

Wellness Website

Franconia Elementary School 


On this site, you will find everything you need for Mr. Price's Wellness Classes. 

Along with pertinent class information, you will find: 

If you take notice of the header image on top of the website, you will see that it is a herd of Buffalo/Bison.  Why might I have this as the main photo on my site? The answer is simple: Bison and Buffalo never go alone.  They are one of few animals that when storms come, they put their head down and keep moving.  I view our class as a team and a herd, we work together to help each other achieve our health, wellness and fitness goals.  Then, when difficulties/storms arise, we support one another.

Health (our nutrition, our social health, our emotional and mental health) and Physical activity should be something that YOU enjoy participating in, something that is relevant to YOUR everyday life, and makes YOU grow and push yourself to become a little bit better each and every day.

"We can have all the riches and successes in the world, but if we don't have our health, we have nothing."

We could have the nicest clothes, fastest car, highest paying job, the biggest house.  We could travel the world to see the beautiful landscapes and all it has to offer, the most recent technology and all the cool material items that society makes us feel like we need.  But ponder this question: 

If you are not healthy, can you really enjoy all of that? 

If you do not fuel your body properly and become sick, can we enjoy life? 

If we do not stay active and move, our body deteriorates and does it really matter if we have all of that "stuff"?

"This is the process - Identifying where you want to be, and breaking it down in pieces.  Excellence is a matter of steps.  Excel at this one, then that one and then the one after that" - Ben Bergeron

When it comes to your life, what do you want to achieve? What are your goals in your schooling, career and personal endeavors? To achieve those goals, we need to lead a healthy life.  To achieve both of those, we need to take it step by step and look at how can we work towards this each day and every day.  

It is not about achieving MASSIVE goals every single day... but getting 1% better each day.  Small wins + Small wins + Small wins = Big Accomplishments.