Program Details For Pribilof School District – Updated February 10. 2022 

 Section A: District Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services 

* A.1. Describe how the district developed the plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. Provide how the district sought public comment on the plan and took such comments into account in the development of the plan. Include which stakeholders were involved in the development of the plan. 

The above link is our Mitigation Plan, attached to the Pribilof School District website ( As part of that same website on the front page, is a copy of our Survey Monkey Stakeholder Survey. We had school "live" for every day of the 2020-2021 school year. Because of this, and the school's ability to communicate through its school owned radio station (KUHB) and the St Paul Buy/Sell/Trade FB page, which most community members are on (private page) - efforts of the school and district were easy to find. 

* A.2. Provide the link to district's plan. 

 Section B: Stakeholder Consultation 

* B.1. Describe how, in the planning for the use of ESSER III funds, the district provided opportunities for input and engaged in meaningful consultation with stakeholders including, but not limited to: students; families; school and district administrators (including special education administrators); teachers, principals, school leaders, other educators, school staff, and their unions; Tribes; and other stakeholders representing the interests of children with disabilities, English learners, children experiencing homelessness, children and youth in foster care, migratory children, children who are incarcerated, and other underserved students. 

The above survey was originally posted on our district webpage (below), and on both KUHB Radio and St Paul Buy/Sell/Trade FB Pages 

District Webpage: 

1. Hiring 3 paras to work with our intensive Special Education students on an individual basis. This will help with learning loss 

2. Install, and train staff on the use of Canvas as a learning management system. This allows for more interaction by staff with students and parents if we end up in a situations where Social Distancing and/or remote learning needs to take place. This will also help with learning loss as we will be able to do more than just using packets within the community as a learning implement. 

3. Purchasing workstations and protective stations for work to take place that is mobile - all we need to do it to move the internet to where remote sites will be setup in the instance that an issue such as the students needing to be outside of the school building needs to take place again. In this case, we are looking at learning sites to socially distance within the community that we can still bring students together. 

 Section C: Identifying Needs 

* C.1. Describe the extent of the impact of the COVID-19 on student learning and student well-being, including identifying the groups of students most impacted by the pandemic. 

Overall, the Pribilof School District and the communities of St Paul and St George were less effected than others in Alaska. We still had our difficulties that are unique to being here as part of that. As a district, we do not employ a Special Education teacher on site. Our Sped Director was not able to come out last year. We are looking to hire 3 paras to help with learning loss and the loss of support for 2020-2021. 

Section D: Coordination of Funds 

* D.1. Describe how the district will coordinate with other federal education funding (i.e., other COVID Relief funding, ESEA, IDEA, CTE, child nutrition). 

In the case of the Pribilof School District, we, we will communicate most through IDEA, ESEA, and our CTE program, through connectivity. This is a district with a business manager and a Superintendent/Principal, so the coordination portion is seamless. Internet connectivity is poor here, so as long as everybody that is off site is coordinating with the Superintendent, there wont be and coordination issue. 

Section E: Use of Funds 

* E.1. Describe how the funds will be used to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, in line with the most recent CDC guidance, in order to continuously and safely operate schools for in-person learning. 

The Pribilof School District currently has 51 students, although registration may change that number. 15 years ago, this building used to have 180 students. My point being that there is a lot of empty room within this building. Currently, we have 2 classrooms that are double classrooms with false walls. That leaves 4 other classrooms, where the funding will be used. Those classrooms are less optimal for space and the funding will be used to repurpose our library and possibly our gym into learning areas where social distancing can take place and still have a classroom environment. Purchasing the workstations and pandemic friendly materials/desks would make this work better. If we needed to shut down, those same implements would be available off campus. 

* E.2. Describe how the district will use the funds it reserves under section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act (totaling not less than 20 percent of the LEA's total allocation of ESSER III funds) to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive after school programs, or extended school year programs. 

The Pribilof School District would do this though Canvas and working with our Special Education students in a 1 on 1 setting. With Canvas, our teaching staff could use our district approved curriculums and RTI pieces when not able 

to do this live within the classroom setting. The communication would still be taking place - only remotely or through social distancing. That same scenario could take place with our paras and our Special Education students - however, it is not limited to that.

* E.3. Describe how the district will use funds to meet students' social, emotional, and academic needs, including through summer enrichment programming and other evidence-based interventions, and how they advance equity for underserved students. 

With the Pribilof School District, this area has been less of an issue. We are an isolated school district in the Bering Sea. The district has the Kernals (Harvard) system in place already, and implements it in with lesson plans turned in weekly. The district does not have a counselor, because of a lack of students. Most students go to boarding school off island after grade 8. The emphasis this year will be on using interventions based upon district approved curriculums. Those curriculums have already been purchased. previously. 

* E.4. If applicable, describe how the district will use funds to sustain and support access to early childhood education programs. 

While funds could be used to support our local pre-school, the local Fisherman's Association (CBSFA) takes care of all of the funding and more for our current program. It is not anticipated that funding will need to go towards this area. 

Section F: Evaluation 

* F.1. Describe how the district will evaluate the level of implementation and effectiveness of programs funded. 

The evaluation and implementation of programs funded will be evaluated through the following means: 

1. Testing - MAPS and PEAKS, and AK STAR results .

2. Academic Standing and progress by the students. 

3. Potential pandemic-related influences - Ex. Interruptions in the school year.

 4. For non-academic-related activities, success may be measured based upon the availability of resources. 5. The need for extended learning possibilities given our isolation and limited staff (5 teachers total).