STEM education for all students Kindergarten to Fifth Grade at Malone in Prescott Elementary and Intermediate

Welcome to the Malone STEM! My name is Karey Sizemore and I have the pleasure of leading your children through the exciting world of STEM. My career has stretched from San Jose and Sacramento, CA to River Falls, WI, until 5 years ago when I was able to join the amazing staff at Malone. I have taught everything from preschool to third grade and love STEM and Technology.

My own children (Shelby and Clint) are products of Malone and have attended Prescott High School (Clint, 11th grade) and Shelby graduated in 2022 and is now attending Montana State University. My husband, Steve, works for Polaris. Our family is rounded out with 3 cats (Pepper, Spice and Sugar) and a big (130 lbs) but goofy great dane named Olympia. We have lived in Prescott for the last 20+ years and are proud to call it home.