Counselor' s Couch

Malone Elementary and Prescott Intermediate School Counselor

Mrs. Larissa Dreyer

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May is National Mental Health Awareness Month.  This is a wonderful time to focus on our own mental health and to make sure our loved ones around us are doing the same.  Self-care is essential for mental health and overall well-being.  When you take care of your mental health, your physical and emotional health improves; you become more resilient; and it makes it easier to find ways to manage life stressors in a healthy and positive way.  Here are a few strategies below that you can use to maintain positive mental health - try a few and see what works for you, then put them into practice regularly.

Focusing on self-care is important because we play a part in each other’s mental wellness.  It’s up to each of us to be a lifeline, sharing in a commitment to care for ourselves and those around us.  However, you cannot be of help to others if you are not taking good care of your own mental health.  

*This information was taken from SAMHSA, see the full article here: