Online Learning

cobwebs in your course?
ten steps for spring cleaning shells

Spring is here (and summer is just around the corner!) If the American Cleaning Institute, is correct, 80% of us plan to spring clean this year. I have a love/hate relationship with spring cleaning. I love when it’s done, but I hate doing it (and I especially hate discovering things that now require repair). But there’s one spring cleanup task I do really enjoy.

Cleaning up the garden.

Why am I telling you this? Because cleaning up the garden is a lot like cleaning up your courses. In the garden, we’ve got to remove the dead debris from the winter–perhaps even garbage blown in from the street. In your course, you’ve got to clear out old files (how many versions of “syllabus” do you have floating in your course shell right now?) In your garden, you’re cutting back the overgrowth; in your course, you’re examining the amount of content in a given week.

Cleaning up your course, like working in the garden, isn’t something with immediate benefits. You won’t see the effects until you teach again. Thus, it can be a little challenging, especially after a long school year to muster the energy to tackle the task.

All tasks are a bit easier when broken down into steps, so I’m offering you a checklist for cleaning up your courses. They do not need to be completed all at once, and you don’t need to try to tackle all courses at once either.

1. import your course into a sandbox

This will preserve the integrity of your historical course, should you ever want to go back and revive a file/assignment/quiz. If you need a sandbox, please email us at to request one. 

2. remove unused content

Go through each module and identify content that is no longer used, remaining “hidden.”

3. remove unused assignments

Navigate to the Assignments tool and locate an assignment you wish to delete. Click the carrot menu and select “Delete.” A pop-up warning will appear that reads: “This operation will delete the selected assignment folder and all associated files. Are you sure you want to continue?” Click “Delete”. **Note: You will still have to remove this item from the gradebook in step 7 below. I recommend waiting and deleting ALL grade items across tools at the same time. 

4. remove unused quizzes

Navigate to the Quiz tool and locate a quiz you wish to delete. Click the carrot menu and select “Delete.” A pop-up warning will appear that reads: “This operation will delete the selected quizzes and all associated data. Are you sure that you want to continue?” Click “Delete”. **Note: You will still have to remove this item from the gradebook in step 7 below. I recommend waiting and deleting ALL grade items across tools at the same time. 

5. remove unused discussions

Navigate to the Discussion tool and click the carrot menu and select “Delete.” **Note: You will still have to remove this item from the gradebook in step 7 below. I recommend waiting and deleting ALL grade items across tools at the same time. 

6. remove unused integrations (Turnitin assignments, Textbook integrations, etc.) 

Delete the item from within the content area. **Note: You will still have to remove this item from the gradebook in step 7 below. I recommend waiting and deleting ALL grade items across tools at the same time. 

7. Remove unused grade items

In order to remove gradebook items, you must first make sure all the items are unassociated with tools (assignments, quizzes, discussions, or External tool). Navigate to Grades. Click “Manage Grades.” Click “More actions” and select “Delete.” Your screen will refresh. Place a check in front of every grade item you’d wish to delete. Remember, you’ll only be able to delete those items without ? icon next to them, indicating an association. Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete.” 

8. remove unused content in course files

You may have images, videos, or files that exist in your “Manage Files” area of the course that you no longer have linked. Often these were included as parts of announcements, or were part of modules or HTML files that no longer exist. Items that are directly linked (appear as items in content) have a link icon next to the file name: Be careful: Items that do not have a link icon may still be linked within the HTML pages files. Be sure to return later to delete/change those links. 

9. organize content in course files

**Note: Moving or Renaming files within Course Files will require you to re-create the links. Do not begin this step unless you will have time to re-create links.

10. re-create/test links

Cleaning out the clutter in your course shell can better help you see what things you might want to improve on for next term, and it’s the sort of low-level cognitive activity that allows us to be productive without overtaxing us at the end of the term and start of summer. Because it’s easily broken into a series of distinct tasks, you do not have to feel pressured to complete an entire course’s clean up in one sitting, and you also do not need to complete all of the steps for any given course. But, if you find yourself re-uploading files because it’s faster than trying to find it in course files, or if you have every version of your syllabus in your shell since 2017, you probably would see an improvement your and your students’ experiences in your course shell, if you tackled a few of these tasks. Happy spring cleaning! 

D2L Updates

There are a few updates to keep in mind as you head into summer courses. Two center around discussions. 

Online Learning would like to remind everyone again that New Content is going to become OPTIONAL for all courses, starting Summer 2024. Do NOT enable this option for Summer 2024 courses in order to give Online Learning time to create tutorials/navigation directions for students.

At this time, you can all access New Content through your Sandboxes. All Sandboxes have New Content turned to “on”; if you would like us to override and turn it off, please let us know. Last month’s newsletter focused on New Content, so if you missed that content, please revisit it here. Some key navigational things to keep in mind, should you be considering New Content as an option:

The last bit of news is not a true update, but it is important information about D2L. Starting June of 2024, D2L is going to be launching in-product feedback. Students and Faculty may get prompted to complete a short survey about their feedback on Brightspace. Less than 5% of faculty and 1% of students across all D2L users will be surveyed each month. D2L says that the prompts will: