The Educator Innovation Lab

Educational topics and trends are always buzzing around. From the latest tech to the newest assessment trend, it's hard to stay on top of everything (particularly while you're teaching). The Educator Innovation Lab is a place where teachers can get credit for identifying an area of desired growth and then exploring and playing with these innovative topics and ideas. Yes- get CREDIT for experimenting and testing new ideas to improve your practice and your classroom.

Plus, the Innovation Lab helps connect you to other educators working on similar ideas in their classroom to share resources, collaborate, and motivate each other.

Professional Development designed by you to fit your needs and your schedule.

Step 1: Identify Your Destination

What ideas do you want to explore? Where do you want to grow your practice? What would help students? Lay the foundation for your adventure by attending an IN PERSON Workshop to brainstorm topics and trends while reflecting on your practice. Through this collaborative, hands-on workshop, you will identify areas, lessons, or units where you want to try something different and then design your own Action Research or Human Centered Design road map.

Register for a Workshop!

Step 2: Choose Your Path

With a destination in mind, you will launch your PD adventure to innovate in your classroom. Choose your own route to success with resources that are right for you by reading up on trends, testing tech, and digging into best-practices. Take time to experiment in the PLAYGROUND and get a SPARK of inspiration from conversations with other educators.

Step 3: Build Your Vision

You chose your destination and created a path to get there, now complete the process by creating a new lesson, new unit, or new vision for your classroom. The choice is yours.

Step 4: Register for the Credit

Maximize your time and get credit for your PD Adventure. Sign up for continuing credit.

15 hours = 1 Continuing Ed Credit.