First Timer Scholarship

First Timer's Scholarship Application - OASL Fall Conference 2024

Click on this Google Form to apply and to see details: 

The Oregon Association of School Libraries (OASL) is offering three scholarships to our fall conference on October 5, 2024 in Portland. Awards will cover the cost of conference registration. Recipients must be: 

Applicants will be judged on the basis of how the conference will benefit them professionally, as evidenced by both the personal response and administrator’s or supervisor's supporting statement. There are two parts to the application: 1. this form, and 2. a recommendation.

Applications will close on August 30. Participants will be notified of scholarship awards no later than September 8. 

After applying for a scholarship, please wait to register for the conference until after you receive notification from OASL. Scholarship recipients will receive a discount code to use when registering. 

Scholarship recipients will be asked to share a brief reflection after attending the conference, which may be shared with our members.  

Questions? Please contact Ann Poteet at