OASL Awards

Each year OASL recognizes outstanding library staff serving in the state of Oregon and an administrator that supports school libraries to the fullest. Please join the OASL board in congratulating this year's winners!  

Award: Distinguished Library Service Award for School Administrators

Name of Recipient:  Andy Grzeskowiak

Title: Superintendent

School/District: Siuslaw School District 97J

Award: Teacher Librarian of the Year - Elementary Level

Name of Recipient:  Kate Dutro

Title: Elementary Teacher Librarian

School/District: Hartley Elementary, Reynolds School District

Award: Teacher Librarian of the Year - Secondary Level

Name of Recipient:  Debbie Levy

Title:  Secondary Teacher Librarian

School/District:  Eugene School District 4J

Award: Classified Library Employee of the Year

Name of Recipient:  Val Graybill

Title:  Library Manager

School/District: Thurston Middle School, Springfield School District