Grading Policy


Student grades are composed of students' 3 best scores in each target in a unit of study. Those scores are always out of the highest potential scores for the unit which is a 5 regardless of what the assignment is out of since lower point values represent easier assignments. All scores outside of the highest 3 for each target will be dropped. Students who complete all assignments and still want to improve may request additional assignments to replace the ones they have already completed to gain proficiency and to raise their scores.


Out of 3 - Assignments out of 3 are simple and do not cover the entirety of a learning target. They are typically scaffolded or offer the opportunity to check answer

Out of 4 - Assignments out of 4 show full understanding of a learning target but are not complex. They show adequate ability to use concepts and/or algorithms.

Out of 5 - Assignments out of 5 are more complex and show a deep understanding of concepts and students' ability to apply knowledge in new contexts.