For the latest Google Meet documentation and updates, please see the Google support page.

It is possible to record a Google Meet session. The recorded mp4 video file is saved to your Google Drive and can be shared with others who were unable to attend the live Meet session. Only enterprise licensed users of Google Meet will find the record option, which includes PPS Staff. If you find you are not able to record after reviewing this guide, please contact

Recording a Meet Session

Start or join a Google Meet Session

Click on the kabob icon in the bottom left.

Select "Record meeting"

You will be asked to accept consent. Review the consent and select "Accept" to begin recording.

The "rec" icon in the upper left will indicate that recording has begun. All participants will see this icon.

You will want to stop the recording prior to ending or exiting the video conference. Click on the kabob and then on "Stop recording."

A popup message will appear telling you the recording will be saved into a folder on your Google Drive under the name of "Meet Recordings."