
Bee-Bots (recommended grades K-2)

How-to info and sample lessons

The See & Say Bee-Bot is a robot designed for use by young students. 

Bee Bots are easy-to-operate, and can be used to teach sequencing, estimation, and problem-solving. Bee-Bot See & Say can detect and respond with either a beep or a pre-recorded message when encountering another See & Say Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot. 

Each kit contains:

Introducing Bee-Bots to Your Class

See the Getting Started Lessons page for introductory lesson slides.

Check out this video for tips on introducing Bee Bots and programming cards to your students

Check out this video to see Beebots in action in Grade 1 and 2.

Bee-Bot Online

Program a virtual bee to move around a chosen mat on this web based program. Command buttons mirror buttons found on Bee Bots with two additional buttons - Home and Stop.

How to Pack Bee-Bots

Pro Tip: When connected to the charger, red eyes indicate charging needed and green eyes indicate a full charge.

Learning Tech Library Pro Tips...

There are 3 Sets available for check out