
Spanish DLI

Publisher: Estrellita

Adopted: 2018 / Category: Dual Language

"Streamlined Curriculum for non-readers 3rd grade and up.

Purpose: This streamlined version of Estrellita is designed to instill confidence as students quickly master the laddered/sequential curriculum. For students who already know how to decode, the Escalera curriculum will serve to reinforce decoding skills, build fluency and basic comprehension. Additionally, it will provide a highly-accelerated jumpstart into reading.

This streamlined curriculum is primarily designed for recent arrivals and for children designated as SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education). Although these students have had limited to no formal schooling, their cognitive skills have been developed through their varied life experiences. Therefore, you will find that many of these students will make remarkable gains. The biggest hurdle for these children is not academics, but the low self-confidence they may feel at being behind academically."

-Estrellita Website

Teacher Materials

Student Materials

Teacher's Kit

Item Code: T99-1252Price: $209.00

Student Booklet

Item Code: T99-1251

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