January Photos
1/23 - Spirit Day: Dress Like a Celebrity (RBG!)
1/23 - Spirit Day: Dress Like a Celebrity (David Bowie)
1/23 - A new book: Little Red Hen
1/23 - Making puppets of the characters from the Little Red Hen
1/23 - Math: Greater Than/Less Than Bingo
1/23 - Math: Greater Than/Less Than Bingo
1/23 - Math: Greater Than/Less Than Bingo
1/23 - Choice Time
1/22 - Retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs with puppets
1/22 - Spirit Day: 80's Day
1/22 - Spirit Day: 80's Day
1/21 - Art class with Ms. Harrington
1/21 - Retelling the story of Three Little Pigs with puppets
1/21 - Retelling the story of Three Little Pigs with puppets
1/21 - Math: Comparing number towers
1/21 - Math: Comparing number towers
1/21 - Math: Comparing groups of counters without counting
1/17 - We each got our own letter to write and then we got in alphabetical order.
1/17 - We filled up our marble jar this week, so we earned a pizza party!
1/17 - We filled up our marble jar this week, so we earned a pizza party!
1/17 - We filled up our marble jar this week, so we earned a pizza party!
1/17 - Pizza party
1/17 - Pizza party
1/17 - Pizza party
1/16 - Math Center
1/16 - Treasure! Stickers found on the underside of a table
1/16 - Choice Time
1/16 - Choice Time
1/16 - Choice Time
1/15 - Partner Reading
1/15 - Partner Reading
1/14 - Race to Trace Math Center
1/14 - Race to Trace Math Center
1/14 - Math game with 10-frame dot cards
1/14 - Math game with 10-frame dot cards
1/13 - We did some computer testing on Monday to test our literacy skills.
1/13 - Choice Time - Riding horses! š
1/10 - Acting out the verb, gallop.
1/10 - Monkey in the Middle game in P.E.
1/10 - We took our i-Ready Diagnostic Test this week. It helps to adjust our individualized lessons on i-Ready My Path.
1/10 - Choice Time
1/9 - Partner Reading
1/9 - Field hockey in P.E.
1/9 - Field Hockey in P.E.
1/8 - Completed our Lunar New Year lanterns
1/8 - Completed our Lunar New Year lanterns
1/8 - Choice Time
1/7 - 2025 Glasses: They help us see what is possible this year.
1/7 - 2025 Glasses: They help us see what is possible this year.
1/7 - 2025 Glasses: They help us see what is possible this year.
1/7 - We learned about Lunar Year and started makingĀ lanterns.Ā
1/6 - Subtraction stories with cubes
1/6 - Subtraction stories with cubes
1/6 - Choice Time