
News from the Nest

PPMS Families - 

We are almost a quarter into our amazing school year at PPMS. I am very proud of the start that we have had this year. Our students are really digging into their curriculums and settling into the routines of life in middle school. We have also had our first round of testing, setting our benchmarks, and goals for the year. As families I am encouraging you to ask your students daily about what they are learning and push your students to achieve at their highest levels.

Thanks for all your supporting in making our school community stronger each day!

Andrew West

Principal, Pleasant Plains Middle School

cardinal Club

PPMS is lucky to have such an active Parent Teacher Organization, Cardinal Club. Throughout the year, they raise money to support our students and staff in many different ways. Currently, their Save-Around Coupon book fundraiser is ongoing through Tuesday, October 10. This is one of their biggest fundraisers of the year. If you have questions, or are interested in helping Cardinal Club, contact the Cardinal Club president Liz Brown-Reeves at liz.brown@gmail.com.

Parent Drop Off & Pick Up

A few reminders about morning student drop off:

*Our doors do not open for students before 7:35am. 

*Please follow all signage as you pull in and through the Farmingdale/Middle School campus. 

*For morning drop off, please be sure to pull all the way forward in the drop off zone. 

*If a student has an appointment during the day, please call in advance and we will have a pass sent and your student waiting for you. You must come in the front office to sign them out.

Students of character

September was Responsibility Month at PPMS. Each grade level chose a goal for the month that centered around responsibility. Grade level teams also selected two students who best emulated this trait over the course of the month.  

Thank you to Bomke's Patch and Texas Roadhouse for sponsoring this month's Students of Character. 

Also, thank you to INB for sponsoring our Students of Character yard signs! We are enjoying this opportunity to let our community know that our students are displaying such positive characteristics! 

The students of character for the month of September are: 

Team 5: Kinleigh and Ethan 

Team 6: Harper and Gabriel 

Team 7: Ireland and Mason 

Team 8: Lily and Mason

Picture retake Day

Interstate will be back in the building on Tuesday, October 24 for retakes. If you missed the first date, or would like to try for a bigger smile, please keep this date in mind. Pictures can be ordered online at inter-state.com/order with the code: 80093ZB

Red Ribbon Week

From October 30 through November 3, PPMS students will be taking part in our annual Red Ribbon week campaign. This event, which is planned by students from Beta club and Student Council, supports students in being happy, healthy, and drug free. Students will complete lessons and activities throughout the week, all aimed at teaching them how to make healthy choices. 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner! Directions on how to sign up will be emailed out to all families the morning of Tuesday, October 3. Parents will be signing up with their students 1st hour teacher. As a reminder, we will dismiss early (1:00pm) on Thursday, October 26 for conferences from 3:00-7:00pm that evening. On Friday, October 27, conferences will be available from 8:00am-12:00pm. 

Team pages

Don't forget: Each grade level team has there own website. One important aspect of each site is their homework board. Teachers update this weekly with what they are working on in class and what is homework. This is a good place to check when you have questions about what your student should be working on. As always, you can reach out to the classroom teacher directly, via Teacherease, as well. Team pages can be found on the PPMS website under the Academics tab, or follow this link.

Upcoming Important Dates

Friday, October 6 No School - Teacher Inservice Day

Monday, October 9 No School - Columbus Day Holiday

Tuesday, October 24 - School Picture Retake Day 

Thursday, October 26 Early Dismissal (1:00pm) - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00pm

Friday, October 27 No School - Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-12:00pm