Welcome to the Virtual Calm Down Corner!

Sometimes all you need is quick break! This space was created to help you find new ways to manage emotions and build your resilience.  Click around on the resources to see what calm down strategy works best for you! If you are still having big feelings after trying at least 3 strategies, fill out the check-in form to request a visit with Ms. Simuong. There are also resources below to create your very own calm down corner at home!

             Calm Down Strategies                                                             Social Emotional Learning 

Click the link if you have tried all the strategies and need some more help. 

Sometimes you just need to take a break and read in the Calming Corner in the Raven's Nest!

A calm down corner is a place for kids to do just what the name says--calm down. It is a place where your child can pause and reset. Often when children are misbehaving, it's because they are overstimulated. Going to a calm down corner is not a punishment, it is actually a happy space and a learned coping skill.

When to Use A Calm Down Corner

What Can You Include in a Calm Down Corner at Home?

Sensory Fidgets

Calm Down Jar

Feelings Chart


Something Cozy

Coloring Book