Local Citizen Project

Project Overview

The driving question for this project is How do Local Actions lead to global citizenship. The HDLALTGC project focuses on our overarching leadership skill, Citizenship and Global Responsibility. Students began by researching, "What is a global citizen"? High Schoolers dove deeper by researching the lives of actual global citizens (activists) who started off impacting their local communities and, through their efforts, later began making a global impact. Middle school and high school groups partnered for the opening presentation of the exhibition. They presented their findings in an effort to show the audience what a global citizen is, as well as giving examples of how people have embodied these qualities throughout history. This is the “observe” and “think” portion of the project.

Students then took on the “act” portion of the project. They were tasked with creating “ownership” of a portion of the campus, improving it, and thus positively impacting the entire school as a whole. The effort students put in during this “act” phase will not only benefit all students at NWP, but in fact will positively impact others who come to or use our campus, as well as generations of students to come.

Benchmark 1: Preliminary Research

Adilene Dominguez - Benchmark 1-HS- Local Citizen

Working Works Cited

WWC- Local Citizen Project- Ethan, Kevin, Simeon, Lizbeth

Benchmark 2: Research Annotation Documents

Adilene Dominguez - Annotation Doc 1 (for Local Citizens Project)

Annotation Doc 1

Adilene Dominguez - Annotation Doc 2 (for Local Citizens Project)

Annotation Doc 2

Adilene Dominguez - Annotation Doc 3 (for Local Citizens Project)

Annotation Doc 3

Bridge to Script/Outline

Bridge to Script- Madelyn Day, Syanne Siler, Landon, Jonatan

Benchmark 4: Script

Mia Ayau Paulos - Benchmark 4 (Colin Kapernick Group: Matthew, Janet, Mia, Jaiden P)

Time Lapse Video

Exhibition Day Assignment

Benjamin Eisley - Exhibition Day

Reflection Rubric

(this will be added after your group does the Fishbowl Reflection)