Food Project

Project Overview

The driving question for this project is What modes of food production will best sustain our future? Each group chose to examine a “dichotomous pair” of foods: a pair of foods that seem similar in most ways, but that are fundamentally different in one or more important way. Each group member focused their research through a particular lens of inquiry: Economic sustainability, ecological sustainability, nutritional sustainability, or ethical sustainability. All but those researching through the nutrition lens explored the production, distribution, and consumption of both items in their pair. Those with the nutrition lens examined the long-term and short-term effects of consumption, including management of waste. The goal was to determine which item in the pair is a more sustainable choice.

Benchmark 1 - Pick a Pair

Dichotomous Pair: Fresh Strawberries vs Frozen Strawberries

Benchmark 2 - Question Generation

GQ 1 How economically sustainable are Monocropped Crops compared to Crops grown on Diversified Farms?

How economically sustainable is the production of Monocropped Crops compared to Crops Grown on Diversified Farms?

How economically sustainable is the distribution of Monocropped Crops compared to Crops grown on Diversified Farms?

How economically sustainable is the consumption of Monocropped Crops compared to Crops Grown on Diversified Farms?

WWC - Food Project - Jaidan ,Lauren, and Karol

Working Works Cited

Benchmark 3: Research

See Working Works Cited for annotation docs link

Bridge to Whitepaper

Example Outline Structure

Outline of Research

Benchmark 4 - Whitepaper

Kelsey Dunnigan - Lens Whitepaper

Lens Whitepaper

Cora Volat Tietgen - Works Cited

Individual MLA

Whitepaper- Mia, Persia, Lizbeth, Stephanie

Group Whitepaper

Benchmark 5 - Board Game

Photo of Game

Game Directions

Game Directions

Benchmark 6 - TED Talks

Untitled document

Final Group Script


TED Talk

My group's talk starts at......

Benchmark 7 - Reflection

Report Rubric - Informational Piece, Senior Project

Whitepaper Rubric

Presentation Rubric

Presentation Rubric

Project Management Rubric

Project Management Rubric

[Template] Final Game Reflection

Final Game Reflection