MassBay's EMS

To Check & Update your Information in the BayNavigator Emergency Message Notification System:

Login to BayNavigator site via One Login

Click on your MassBay Profile tile

Select Emergency Notification from the menu on the left

To add or update a phone number, select Phone Type

Emergency Phone/Cell - you will receive a phone call on the registered telephone/cellular

Emergency Text Message - receive a text message to a valid mobile device number

We recommend you submit multiple modes of communication to receive these important messages (for example, a call and a text). To do so, click the + sign to the right of the Phone Number field to add additional lines to the form.

Email alert messages are automatically sent only to MassBay email accounts.  To register a personal email account: Enter your personal email address in the Emergency Email Address field.

To opt-out of receiving emergency messages, please check mark “I do not wish to participate”.

Click SAVE button to save your changes.

**Please note, all changes and updates go into effect overnight at 12AM.**