Sunday Morning Worship Service - 10:30am

Join us for worship at 10:30am on Sunday mornings in-person or via Zoom at the link above. 

Sunday's Worship Service Bulletin

(Zoom Meeting Information)


Please call (206-842-4746) or email the church office at if you have any questions about our services.

ARCHIVE of Sermons and Video Recordings...

9/15/2024 - Seventeenth Pentecost (VIDEO)

9/8/2024 - Sixteenth Pentecost (VIDEO)

9/1/2024 Fifteenth Pentecost (VIDEO)

8/25/2024 Fourteenth Pentecost (VIDEO)

For additional educational opportunities throughout the week, visit our "Education" page!

Holy Communion Worship Narrative:  

An explanation of the various parts of our worship service...     click here!