Greater Portland Health School-Based Medical Clinic

School Based Health Center and Dental Clinic

Portland High School has an on-site School Based Health Center (SBHC) and a School Based Dental Clinic run by Greater Portland Health Center. Students are allowed to access these services only if they are enrolled. Students must complete a new enrollment form every year. Forms must be signed by a parent/guardian if the student is under 18. The forms should be returned to the school nurse's office.

Scroll down for the 2021-2022 SBHC enrollment form. Here is additional information about the SBHC . FAQ's and Parent Letter

Scroll down for the 2021-2022 Dental enrollment form. Here is additional information about the dental program. FAQ's

Health information practices is available here

Translated copies of the enrollment forms are available at the link at the bottom of this page and in the school nurse's office

The clinic is located next to the Music Room on the ground floor at Portland High School.

Stop by the clinic or see the school nurse for an appointment.

PHS clinic sheet.pdf
Clinic poster.pdf