
What Lies Beyond Sight

Don't look back.

Don't look forward. Just look at the ground.

Watch your breath.

Don’t breathe too heavy.

Hold it if you can.

Don’t be anxious.

Anxiety is weakness.

You don't want to show weakness.

Stand straight and confident.

But don’t stop looking at the GROUND!

Pace your walk.

Don’t walk too slow.

Don’t walk too fast.

Don't walk too hard either.

You got all that?


Keep doing it until it becomes natural.

Your life depends on it.


Don't know.

There might be something in the shadows, or is there?

The state of reality is a bit fuzzy.

But that's okay.

You keep on going.


Don’t know.

There might be something in the shadows.

Your going to collapse. You can't go on anymore.

Okay, but fall with grace; try not to make any noise.

But why?

There's something in the shadows.

Finally you understand.

That took long enough.

by Jeancarlo Chajon