NTFS and CATE Roadshows

Advance HE, in collaboration with the Association of National Teaching Fellows (ANTF) and the CATE Winners’ Network (CATE-Net) will be presenting a series of virtual roadshows to support those interested in applying for the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) or the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS).  Each webinar will focus exclusively on either the NTFS or CATE.

NTFS Roadshows

Facilitated by ANTF Committee Events co-ordinator, Prof Debbie Holley and the Advance Awards Team, this series of webinars will offer insights and guidance through the NTF application process. Each will focus on a different aspect of the scheme.

Webinar 1: National Teaching Fellowships: is it for me?

This first webinar will cover the new guidance for institutes and individuals, highlight useful Advance HE resources, and include new award winners and ‘old’ hands sharing their journey to NTF.  

Tuesday 17th October 2023
1pm to 2pm

Webinar 2: Evidencing excellence: what does it look like?

This second webinar covers the three key areas of development for successful NTF applications. We draw upon the expertise of both Advance HE and ANTF committee members and offer thoughts and reflections about how best to frame your application.

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
12pm to 1pm

Webinar 3: Getting over the finish line: what are the final steps?

The final webinar in the series offers thoughts on polishing applications, gaining institutional buy-in, reminds Teaching Excellence Accreditation Lead (TEALs) of their roles and responsibilities, discusses what needs to go with institutional statements and lots more.

Thursday 19th January 2023
1pm to 2pm

CATE Roadshows

Facilitated by the CATE-Net Co-ordination Group and the Advance HE Awards Team, these virtual roadshows will offer an overview of the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and guidance on the application process for those interested in applying in 2024. All will include a brief introduction to CATE and an overview of the professional and institutional benefits. The CATE application process will be outlined and there will be practical guidance and suggestions from previous CATE winners, plus time for questions and answers. All three roadshows will be identical (however the third roadshow is aimed at nominations for 2025 and beyond).

Tuesday 14th November 2023
12.30pm to 2.00pm

Tuesday 5th December 2023
12.30pm to 2.00pm

Wednesday 28th February 2024
12.30pm to 2.00pm

AdvanceHE Guidance for NTF and CATE

1. NTFS 2022 - Guidance for institutions and individuals.pdf
2. CATE 2022 - Guidance for institutions and teams.pdf