
All scientific sessions will be held in Richmond Building LT2.

Wednesday, 18 April

09:20-09:30 Welcome

09:30-10:50 Quantum Gravity

  • Basem El-Menoufi (Sussex) - Non-locality in quantum gravity: Status and Prospects
  • Thomas Morley (Sheffield) - Renormalised vacuum polarisation on anti-de Sitter black holes
  • Nicola Franchini (Nottingham) - Strong-field gravity can hide new physics
  • Scott Melville (Imperial) - Positivity Constraints for Gravity and Cosmology

Coffee break & poster session [Richmond Building, Atrium]

11:20-13:00 Gravitational Waves 1

  • Sebastian Gaebel (Birmingham) - Characterising the BBH Population in the Presence of Contamination
  • Joseph Fernandez (Liverpool John Moores) - A dynamical source of eccentric black holes binary mergers for eLISA and aLIGO/VIRGO
  • Rachel Gray (Glasgow) - Statistically Inferring the Hubble Constant using Gravitational Wave Signals
  • Arianna Renzini (Imperial) - Incoherent Mapping of the Gravitational Wave Background
  • Alex Wright (Southampton) - Computational Methods for Neutron Star Systems

Lunch [Dennis Sciama Building, The Hub]

14:00-15.20 Modified Gravity 1

  • Charalambos Pittordis (QMUL) - Testing Modified Gravity Theories via Wide Binaries and GAIA
  • Francesco Filippini (Swansea) - An exact solution for a rotating black hole in modified gravity
  • Sebastian Bahamonde (UCL) - Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term
  • Andrius Tamosiunas (Portsmouth) - Testing Theories of Gravity With Galaxy Clusters

Tea & poster session [Richmond Building, Atrium]

15:50-17:10 Cosmology 1

  • Ogan Ozsoy (Swansea) - Primoridal Black Holes from Single Field Inflation in String Theory
  • Jessie Durk (QMUL) - Black hole lattices as inhomogeneous cosmological models
  • Robert Hardwick (Portsmouth) - A quantum window onto early inflation
  • Héctor Ramírez (Valencia) - Computing inflationary predictions in general scalar-tensor theories

17:15-18:15 IOP-CQG drinks reception [Dennis Sciama Building, The Hub]

Thursday, 19 April

09:00-10:20 Cosmology 2

  • Natalie Hogg (Portsmouth) - Interacting vacuum dark energy
  • Alexander Jenkins (KCL) - Anisotropies in the gravitational wave background
  • Chris Pattison (Portsmouth) - Quantum diffusion during inflation and PBHs
  • David Rodriguez (KCL) - Horizon Feedback Inflation

Coffee Break [Dennis Sciama Building, The Hub]

10:50-12:10 Modified Gravity 2

  • James Edholm (Lancaster) - Infinite Derivative Gravity
  • Charles Board (Cambridge) - Cosmological Evolution of F(R,T^2) Gravity
  • Bill Wright (Portsmouth) - The effects of modified gravity and massive neutrinos in LSS
  • Damien Trinh (Manchester) - The dark sector in light of GW170817

Lunch [Dennis Sciama Building, The Hub]

13:10-14:30 Exact and Numerical Solutions

  • Diego Carranza (QMUL) - Killing boundary data for anti-de Sitter-like spacetimes
  • Pedro Carrilho (QMUL) - General initial conditions for second order Boltzmann solvers
  • Thomas Helfer (KCL) - Gravitational Waves from Oscillaton Star Collisions
  • Julija Markeviciute (Cambridge) - The twisted boundary of AdS

Tea [Dennis Sciama Building, The Hub]

15:00 - 16:20 Gravitational Waves 2

  • David Keitel (Glasgow) - Hunting for gravitational waves from merger remnants and glitching pulsars
  • James Cook (KCL) - Gravitational Waves from Primordial Axion Stars
  • Borja Reina (Dublin City U) - Rotating stars in perturbation theory in GR from first principles
  • Adam Pound (Southampton) - Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals and the second-order gravitational self-force

16:20 - 16:30 CQG best student talk prize

End of the meeting


  • Joseph Fernandez (Liverpool John Moores) - BH mergers induced by tidal encounters with a galactic centre BH
  • Natalie Hogg (Portsmouth) - Interacting Vacuum Dark Energy
  • Conor O'Toole (UCD) - Investigation of QNM Excitation of Scalar Self-Force for Highly Eccentric Orbits in Kerr Spacetime

You can also download the programme in PDF form.

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