
Grading Info for 2020-2021 is PASS / FAIL

Online Gradebook:

Project based grading will be posted within 10 days of final due date.

Those students not compliant with final delivery date requirements will be marked as "missing assignment".

Trimester grade for "missing assignments" will be reflected in the grading scale as "2 - needs improvement" or for Multiple Occurrences "1 - Unsatisfactory".

OptionC Scale:

  • 100 - 90 = 4 (Low limit 89.5)

  • 89-80 = 3 (Low limit 79.5)

  • 79 - 70 = 2 (Low limit 69.5)

  • 69 below = 1

Trimester Grading: December, March, and June

Eligibility for YEAR END Honors - no FINAL YEAR grade less than a "3"

4 - Exceeds expectations for level - Always complies

3 - Meeting expectations for level - Frequently complies

2 - Partial mastery - Sometimes compiles

1 - Little or No Growth in area - Never/Seldom complies

Assignments are grouped using the 21st century learning skills. The four C’s are: Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication

Critical thinking is all about solving problems.

Creativity teaches students to think outside the box.

Collaboration shows students how to work together to achieve a common goal.

Communication lets students learn how to best convey their ideas.

Areas of Concentration:

Comprehension - Understands Basic Operation and Concepts of the computer device.

Competence - Applies understanding of productivity, research, problem solving, and decision-making tools

Accountability - Practices safe and responsible use of technology systems, information and the use of software in an ethical and responsible behavior

Collaboration - Works effectively with others and contributes to the overall productivity of a group

Personal Responsibility - Comes to class ready, completes work on time, and in an appropriate manner

Conduct - Responsible Behavior, Classroom Participation and Productivity are marked each lab period for the trimester grade.

Rules: Respect for Oneself, Others, Teacher, and the School.

Quietly enter classroom

Leave the opposite door

Fire drill route - per designated homeroom, due to Covid-19

Requirements: Demonstrates "Good Digital Citizenship"

Prayer begins each class session

Reverence in the eyes of God.