An electronic book (eBook) is a published book made in digital form. It consists of text, images, or both and is readable on computers or other electronic devices. We own the following forms of electronic books: traditional eBooks, interactive Lightbox Series eBooks, and Playaway audio books.
An electronic book (eBook) is a published book made in digital form. It consists of text, images, or both and is readable on computers or other electronic devices. We own the following forms of electronic books: traditional eBooks, interactive Lightbox Series eBooks, and Playaway audio books.
Traditional eBooks
Traditional eBooks
The traditional eBook is a digital replica of a published print book and requires a computer or other electronic device to open and read it. We own over 600 titles that can be accessed from our OPAC catalog. A login is required to open an eBook so contact a librarian if you need one. Click here to see some of the eBook titles we own.
The traditional eBook is a digital replica of a published print book and requires a computer or other electronic device to open and read it. We own over 600 titles that can be accessed from our OPAC catalog. A login is required to open an eBook so contact a librarian if you need one. Click here to see some of the eBook titles we own.
Lightbox Series
Lightbox Series
Lightbox series are a multimedia educational experience that wows students and provides a valuable tool for educators to supplement lessons. It is an eBook platform that provides a new learning environment for eager students to learn about science, social studies, language arts and more! Click here to see a list of titles we own. Search each title in our catalog to read more about it.
Lightbox series are a multimedia educational experience that wows students and provides a valuable tool for educators to supplement lessons. It is an eBook platform that provides a new learning environment for eager students to learn about science, social studies, language arts and more! Click here to see a list of titles we own. Search each title in our catalog to read more about it.