Incoming 8th Grade

Mrs. Polis' Summer Picks for 8th Grade Students

Plainview-Old Bethpage School District's Recommended Books

This slideshow displays all the recommended books for the incoming 8th grade students. It has an image of the book cover, the genre and the  summary for each book.

2023 8th Recommended Summer Reading

Click on the PDF for the POB District Summer Reading letter with the full list of the suggested summer reading titles for incoming 8th grade students.  Enjoy one of these books, one of Mrs. Polis' favorites or any other book.  Our theme this year is Inspire Not Require.  The goal is to enjoy a fun and interesting book.  

Summer Reading 2023 for Incoming Grade 8.pdf

Mrs. Polis' Summer Picks

MMS 2021-8th Grade Summer Picks.pdf

Quick Reads Book Shelf

Quick Light Reads Book Shelf.pdf