

Asian Palm Vivet

Butterflies are wild indicators of a strong ecosystem. They provide us with a picture of the health of an ecosystem. Butterflies are naturally responsible for increasing the biodiversity of an ecosystem. They make a perfect food chain. They act as pollinators in the garden. Due to the ever-increasing use of pesticides, pollinators such as honeybees and butterflies are at risk.


On a partly sunny day, we carried out a survey of butterflies in our garden. Seeing the colourful insects feasting on multicoloured Ixora (Rongon flower) hedge line flowers in the garden was a treat for the eyes. We called Mr. Prasenjit Aditya, an alumnus of our college, who is an eminent wildlife photographer to identify and photograph the butterflies. We were amazed to photograph around eighteen species of butterflies within a couple of hours in a single day.