
PHIHGEC01T [Logic]

Recommended Text:

I.M.Copi, Introduction to Logic.

Suggested Readings:

Samir Kumar Chakraborti, Tarkasastra - Bharatiya O Paschatya.

Samarendra Bhattacharya, Snatak Darsana1.

Phalguni Mukhapadhyaya, Bharatiyanyaya O Paschatya Yuktivijnana.

PHIHGEC02T [Western Epistemology and Metaphysics]

Suggested Readings:

Mitra ,Chatterjee o Sarkar, Manodarsan:Sarirbad O Tar Bikalpo.

Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya, Bhartiya O Paschatya (Jnanavidya – Adhividya) .

Samarendra Bhattacharya,Snatak Darsana – [ 3rd Part] (Text).

Samarendra Bhattacharya, Paschatya Darsana .

John Hospers, In Introduction to Philosophical Analysis.

PHIHGEC03T[Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics]

Suggested Readings:

Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya, Bharatiya Darsana (Pramana O Prameya)

Karuna Bhattacharya, Nyaya – Vaisesika Darsana

C.D. Sharma, A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy

D.M. Dutta and Chatterjee , An Introduction to Indian Philosophy

Sabita Samanta, A Critical Survey of Manas in Indian Philosophy.

PHIHGEC04T [Ethics-Indian and Western ]

Suggested Readings:

S.K. Moitra, The Ethics of the Hindus.

Dr. Dikshit Gupta, Nitividya O Monovidya.

Dr. Sanjib Ghosh , Monovijnana O Nitavijnana .

Samarendra Bhattacharyaya, Nitividya.

Dipak Kr. Bagchi, Bharatiya Nitividya

III. Ability Enhancement Course: Elective Skill Enhancement Course.


PHISSEC01M [Media Ethics].

Durgadas Basu, Media Laws and Ethics, Wardha Publication, Mumbai, 2001[Reprinted


Mukul Guha and Snehasis Sur [ed.] The Fourth Estate through Past, Present and Future,

Press Club Kolkata.

NDTV, More News is Good News, Harper Collins.

PHISSEC02M [Business Ethics]

Debasish Guha, Practical and Professional Ethics, Vol.5, Concept Publishing Company,

New Delhi, 2007

Manuel G.Velasquez, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, Sixth Edison.

For Undergraduate Programme

Core: Same as the Generic Elective for Hons. students .


PHIGDSE01T-Applied Ethics:

Suggested readings for Hons.Course covering the relevant topics.

PHIGDSE02T- Rabindranath, Religion of Man

PHIGDSE03T- Social & Political Philosophy

From suggested readings for Hons. Course covering the relevant topics.

PHIGDSE04T-Bimalkrishna Motilal, Niti,Yukti,Dharma:Kahini O Sahitye Rama O



PHIGGEC01T- The Philosophy of Self -Development.

From suggested readings for Hons. syllabi covering the relevant topics.

PHIGGEC02T- Critical Thinking.


Madhuchhanda Sen, Critical Thinking [The whole book]

Marks distribution and Evaluation.

1. Theory Papers-Core,DSE,GE-75 [50 for End Term+25 for Internal] marks


2. Internal 25: 5 for attendance and 20 for Internal evaluation.