Plymstock School's own teenage book award 'HOGWARDS'

This year's list contains 28 books published within the past year. We challenge students to read all 28 of these books over the school year. In June we gather together for a day of debate where one book comes out of it as the 'Best Book of the Year'.

'Swimming Against the Storm'

by Jess Butterworth

'Opposite of Always'

Justin A Reynolds

'Swimming Against the Storm'

By Jess Butterworth

I found this book so fascinating. Especially because of the recent climate crisis. And the tale of the Loup-garou monster made for a most interesting and engaging read. I loved the different character, especially Eliza and the idea that she cares for the animals of their surrounding environment. I gave this book 7/10 as I found it very relatable to current issues.

Annie Year 10



Powerful message.

Suitable for all ages.

Well researched.

Good setting.

Good characterisation.

The reader feels connected with Eliza when she is unable to return home during the storm.


Some scenes could have contained more in-depth descriptions.

The story could have used views from both Eliza and Avery - the reader is completely unaware what is happening to Avery when she is lost.

My rating 7.5/10, 3.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


This is a really good book, you can get attached as you can feel Eliza's pain. No loose ends and language matches perfectly. It is aimed at any age really and is a good page turner.

Grace Year 9


'Opposite of Always'

By Justin A Reynolds


The author describes the relationship between Jack, Franny, Jillian and Kate very well.

Sub-plots throughout the story, for example Jack's betting deal with Franny's dad, make the book more interesting.

Deep moral.

The book is well-researched.

The story is funny in places and even makes light of some serious scenes, but is also well described in scenes of tension.


As the same basic storyline is repeated on a number of occasions, the book is quite repetitive in places.

It is somewhat predictable that Kate will survive and Jack will stay friends with Franny and Jillian.

My rating 7.5/10, 3.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I found this book rather confusing. The story had a very detailed background characters, like Franny and Jillian as well as the main characters, Jack and Kate which made it interesting to read initially. Despite liking Jack and Kate as characters and the story of them getting to know each other, the idea of going back and forth in time was incredibly difficult to follow as the book progressed. I gave this book 5/10.

Annie Year 10

This Week's books February half term...

'The Boxer'

by Nikesh Shukla

'Pay Attention Carter Jones'

by Gary D. Schmidt

'Frankly in Love'

by David Yoon

'The Boxer'

By Nikesh Shukla

In my opinion this book book was interesting and extremely eye-opening. I thought the story was a clever way of educating people on the harsh reality of racism. In places I thought the story was slightly boring and many aspects were mature, therefore not suitable for younger readers. I think it could be enjoyed by every gender and spreads an important message.


Emilia Year 9



The story feels very realistic - events are relevant to current world issues.

Thought provoking.

Powerful message.

All of the characters in the story are described well and the way they interlink is well devised.

A description of Sunny's fight against Keir is included throughout the book and we see a conclusion at the end.

Good sub-plots throughout the story - for example, Keir's situation with his uncle which provokes the violent march through town.

Relationships and action scenes are portrayed in detail.


The repetitive use of some words and phrases is unnecessary.

My rating 9.5/10, 4.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I found this book very intense. I thought it was a fascinating storyline with topics that are very relevant now. Racial diversity is an incredibly important topic and is one that has been in the spotlight recently. I loved the storyline about it and found the characters very unique. I gave this book 8/10.

Annie Year 10


What a disappointment of a book. It’s horribly inaccurate and not believable for so many reasons:

1. The book is set in Bristol and the main character Sunny goes to SGS College in Filton. He says there are barely any people of colour in the college. This is incorrect as I grew up in Filton, living there for over 9 years and my Mother went to that college for a course and I can attest that Bristol on a whole is extremely diverse.

2. There is a “Far Right Riot” that occurs in the book. This, I thought, was an absolute joke. Bristol is the last place that a “Far Right Riot” would occur due to it being an extremely diverse, accepting place. Also, there is much more likely to be a Black Lives Matter rally in Bristol which funnily enough there was. The book presents Bristol being a place where racist hoodlums juts wander around and beat up Asians and steal their food. This is far from the truth. I used to live right near to the train station where the fictional Sonny was assaulted, and it is not a dangerous place at all, having been there at night as a child myself. It’s actually right next to the Ministry of Defence so in fact it’s probably a much safer area! Also, the idea that a far-right march would happen anywhere NEAR Easton would be absurd as I know Easton very well and Easton is so diverse there are more black and Asian people that white people there! Pigs would fly and I would eat meat before there would be a far right riot in Bristol.

3. The book promotes the wrong idea about racism. Sunny’s best friend Madhu says that she can’t be racist because she’s Asian. Her exact words were “I can’t be racist against white people. Which is a stone-cold fact.” Instead of using the protagonist to counter this obviously wrong view, Shukla does nothing, allowing this view to pass as acceptable, which it is clearly not.

You could say “well it’s fiction. He’s just using Bristol and fictionalizing it.” However, the book was based off of the authors own experience being racially attacked as a teenager. However, this attack took place in HARROW where he grew up. Why not set it there? The setting of a book that isn’t a fantasy needs to be accurate! That’s like is a book on cowboys was set in Devon or if Angie Thomas decided to set the Hate U Give in Germany. Don’t you see how ridiculous that would be? Why wouldn’t Shukla set his story in a place where what is happening in the book would be believable? Shukla has lived in Bristol for three years and clearly has not looked at any of his surroundings when choosing a place to write his book. He makes the dialogue about race so cringe that the book was unbearable, unlike Angie Thomas who didn’t get her characters to blatantly state that they thought everyone and everything was racist. The book does not even deserve three quarters of a star however I thought the relationship between Sunny and his father was emotional and for a fleeting moment, the book was bearable, so I felt it deserved something. A pile of codswallop and an insult to the city of Bristol - which has the first black mayor - the Boxer fails to do everything it set out to do.

RATING: 0.75/5 Stars

Destine Year 12

'Pay Attention Carter Jones'

By Gary D. Schmidt

I wasn't sure about this book. From the front cover I assumed it would be a bit young for my age. However, the topic of abandonment shone through this book which really surprised me. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I would recommend this book to anyone my age and younger. I rated this book 7/10.

Annie Year 10


Whilst I think 'Pay Attention Carter Jones' would be a brilliant read for primary school children, I think it was too childish and predictable for older students. For example, I don't think a Year 11 would want to pick it up. I thought it used flashbacks really well to highlight key information but other than that it was rather boring and didn't really have a plot. I never found myself wanting to read on but instead found myself wishing to put it down or finish it so it would be over!


Emilia Year 9




Despite the humour in the story, Carter's situation with his dad is very well described.

I liked the way that the Butler changed the opinion of Carter and his school about cricket.

Good ending.

An enjoyable read for all ages.


The language used by the Butler throughout the book is exaggerated and unnecessary, despite the nature of his character.

Lack of description in some scenes.

Some readers may find this book not hard-hitting enough to be a murder mystery.

My rating 7.5/10, 3.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I am not a bit fan of this book but it was well written and had a good plot. The characters have good storylines and language to match. It would be a good book for some people, just not for me.

Grace Year 9


Although the writing was aimed for younger audiences, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the book. I was expecting it to be a boring rip off of Mary Poppins, but the book was actually emotional, heart - warming and unique in its own special way. Schmidt successfully presents a son who loves and resents his father at the same time and doesn’t give away plot points easily. A surprisingly good book.

RATING: 4/5 Stars

Destine Year 12

'Frankly in Love'

By David Yoon

My favourite HOGWARDS book 'Frankly in Love' is about Frank Li a Korean in an American high school. His parents emigrated from Korea and expect Frank to live up to their traditions which include dating a Korean girl. There's just one problem: Frank's fallen in love with Brit Means, a white girl in his AP Calculus class. Frank knows his parents won't approve of Brit, so he turns to Joy Song, a family friend who's in a similar situation with her Chinese-American boyfriend. Frank and Joy's plan to fake-date each other sounds like the perfect solution but it's not...I love this book because it represents real situations in a lot of people's lives and is written very well. It is my favourite HOGWARDS book so far (but 'Rosie Loves Jack' is still the no1). I rate it 10/10. Thanks Miss and I can't wait for the library to reopen!

Amelie Year 9


I have to say that from the first few chapters I was a bit bored. I liked the idea and the storyline as I found the scenario good to think about, but the characters and the setting just didn't interest me unfortunately. I rated this book 4/10.

Annie Year 10


I've read 'Frankly in Love' and even though cheesy romances aren't my cup of tea, this book was really enjoyable and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it :)

Rosie Year 10


This Week's books returning to school in January...

'Dark Blade'

by Steve Feasey

'High Rise Mystery'

by Sharna Jackson

'The Kingdom'

by Jess Rothenberg

'Dark Blade'

By Steve Feasey

This wasn't my favourite book, but it was still very good. The language and way they spoke matched the book. The atmosphere was right and the characters were well written.

Grace Year 9



'High Rise Mystery'

By Sharna Jackson

I started reading the book at first then moved onto something else as I initially was struggling to get into it. However, when I resolved to read the whole thing through I cannot tell you how surprisingly good this book was. The sisters Nik and Norva were an amazing comedic duo, their two personalities balancing each other out perfectly. The book was hilarious without the need for overtly crude jokes and it actually wasn’t obvious who was responsible for the crime until the very end. Only when you read it through again does it make complete sense - something that only a good crime novel can do. It is suitable for almost all ages without being too childish or too complex and yet tackles the emotion of the loss of loved ones really well. I will definitely be reading the sequel and - if someone hasn’t already - making it into a film/tv show.

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I really like this book as it has a great plot and a good ending. The characters were well written and the language matched well. It is a book that I would definitely recommend.

Grace Year 9


At the end of the book I was still a bit confused about who committed the murder, but eventually it became clear. The plot was interesting and exciting and I was sad for it to end.

I liked how the characters were linked together, like the police officer who was from the 'Tri' and used to baby sit Norva and Nik, the two girls how ended up solving the mystery.

The language is easy but not boring. It is clear to follow. I liked how they had the grid for the different reasons why and why not someone might murder Hugo.

It was an interesting book and I would recommend it for older kids, as some parts can be a bit confusing. I enjoy mystery books.

I rate this book 17/20. Olivia Year 9



Unpredictable in places.

Scenes of tension and action were well described.

Relationships between characters are built up well.

The way that Nik and Norva handle the discovery is particularly well described.

The book is a murder mystery but suitable for all ages.


Some slang is used far too often.

Some readers may find this book not hard-hitting enough to be a murder mystery.

My rating 7/10, 3.5 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I found this book quite interesting. I think that the storyline is a little bit cliché, but I did like the twist to the traditional detective story. I like the characters and their quirky personalities, however, this isn't a book I would recommend to a teenager. I would rather recommend this book to a younger reader. I did like this book but found it a little bit boring. I gave this book 5/10

Annie Year 10


This was a really fun and fast-paced novel, about two sisters trying to solve a murder in their apartment complex. I think at times it was too fast and I couldn't really understand what was happening. Also, Nik the supposed main character was often not in the spotlight and rather her sister was. The sister should have been the main character. Overall, this book was okay but I wouldn't recommend. I rate this book 4/10

Amelie Year 9

'The Kingdom'

By Jess Rothenberg


Summary-This is about a theme park where they have created animals that went extinct and where seven half human half android princesses, also known as Fantasists, live however one of them, Ana, starts to have felling for people including a worker called Owen. This is not supposed to happen because they have been programmed not to have feeling like this. However, this leads to murder and an investigation into the Fantasist in court. Though out all this chaos other Fantasists start begin to have faults which leads to madness in the park.

Plot- In my opinion this book has a very unique and original plot, which included many intriguing twists that made the book interesting. Even though Jess, the author, added lots of twists it did not make the book confusing or hard to follow. This means you are not needing to force yourself to read it therefore I knew that I was enjoying the book. I also liked how the author switched between time periods of Ana being in the park as one of the twelve Fantasists and her being in court as she was a suspect for the murder. However, at some points in the book it became a bit boring because it was very repetitive at times with Ana’s emotions towards the park and Owen. Also, sometimes the author would build up lots of excitement and tension but nothing happened after the tension.

Characteristics- I loved how each character had a different personality and how each Fantasists had a different role in the theme park. This made it easy to follow because you did not get loaded with lots of information at a time but they slowly and discreetly give you information about their personality and uses like the one who performs in the water, so you remember all of the information.

Writing Style- The writing style at first seem very complicated because each chapter changes from the past when Ana was in the park and when she is in court for trial over the murder she is suspected to have committed .This is also written in different ways when Ana is in the court, the book is written in a script style but when she is still in the park, it is written in a narrative style.

Other Thoughts- I enjoyed this book because even though it is a fantasy, I would say it is also a mystery book because you also throughout the book our trying to work who was murdered how they were murdered and who murdered them. This was one of the main things that kept me hooked to the book. I would recommend this book for older children and maybe young adults.

I rate this book 18/20

Olivia Year 8 - I have included Olivia's entire review as she won a prize for her review of 'The Kingdom' during the last Lockdown, in March.




Tension at end.

The ever-changing relationship between Ana and Owen is well described.

I like how the author shifts focus between court scenes and when Ana was accused of murder.

Good sub plots throughout the story, such as Anna's history project.


General lack of description.

The storyline is slow in places.

My rating 6/10, 3 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I found this book incredibly fascinating. It's a storyline that I've never encountered before and I loved it. I loved how in the magical Kingdom where all dreams come true that there's a darker problem underneath but no one mentions, about going against the rules that they are expected to follow and being shut down for being too human. I gave this book 8/10.

Annie Year 10

This Week's books (Christmas break...)

'Nowhere on Earth'

by Nick Lake

'Alex in Wonderland'

by Simon James Green

'The Burning'

by Laura Bates

'Nowhere on Earth'

By Nick Lake

I expected this book to be quite a soulful but quite boring book and I was completely wrong. I found this story incredibly intriguing and I was hooked after reading the first few pages. I loved the characters and the storyline, particularly the revelation that Aidan is some sort of strange being. I gave this book 8/10 and although I thought this book was good I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone older than me.

Annie Year 10



Tension during action scenes and at the end as the family are escaping.

The connection between Aidan and Emily is well described.

Good setting.

Deep meaning.

The book gets straight into the main plot.

Unpredictable - the reader is left unknowing when Emily, Aidan and Bob will next be attacked and what the outcome will be.


Some unnecessary swearing and slang could be replaced with better and more vivid descriptions.

My rating 8/10, 4 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


This was one of the best Science fiction books I have read. It never gave anything away and always kept you guessing about each of the characters - Bob, Aidan and Emily. I loved the way that it wasn’t your typical “aliens land on the Earth and want to take over” story. Instead, it had elements of E.T but Lake did something much more clever with his novel. The whole concept of creating the made-up memories was really unique but my only complaint is that the whole journey was not as developed as it could have been. It’s mostly set in the wild being hunted until they get to civilisation and drive straight to this military-like base with no difficulty on the road whatsoever until they get to the base. Other than that, the book was heart-warming and riveting.

RATING: 4.5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


'Alex in Wonderland'

By Simon James Green

The book was incredibly funny mostly due to the hilarious nature of the awkward situations Alex gets himself in and the way he deals with them. I loved Alex as a character as well as the character of Effia, who is hilariously sarcastic. Although Alex’s Step mum is the typical irritating 'step mum' character, her relationship with Alex was also very funny. Humour aside, I felt like the plotline of the mission to save wonderland was quite underdeveloped and although cliff hangers are often well used, we never get to find out who actually set fire to Wonderland, which really annoyed me. I also feel the book would have benefitted from a backstory to the owner of Wonderland but if you are looking for a great laugh and a lack of resolution, this book is for you.

RATING: 3.5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I loved the mysterious aspect of this book as well as the diverse characters and how unique the story was. I also loved the process of a one-shot character coming into his own and becoming more confident which is The Big Issue amongst teenagers. I also found a romance part of the story very relatable and intriguing. I gave this book 7/10.

Annie Year 10



This book explores real world issues through Alex's sexuality.

Good tension near the end- the author makes the reader keep guessing who is writing the abusive letters to Wonderland.

The author combines the sub-plots of Alex's personal situation and home life with everything going on at Wonderland - these intertwine with each other.

The author describes the relationships between the characters well.


Some scenes are not described in detail, the language chosen by the author does not fit the scene.

The way the story is written means that the book is only thoroughly enjoyable for some readers.

The way the writer makes some scenes intentionally 'cringy' means that the book does not always flow.

My rating 6/10, 3 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


'The Burning'

By Laura Bates

I've read 'the burning' and I found it very compelling. The witchy sense to it was very present and the way that it intertwined real-life issues many girls don't get justice for and this almost mysterious sense of communicating with the past. Very enjoyable.

Rosie Year 10


I absolutely loved this book and couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. I found the storyline very relatable as social media and bullying among teenagers is unfortunately common. I loved the secrecy of Anna’s life too and the secrets about Cat’s abortion and how this affects their friendship with Alisha too. I think this book is great for my age group as it focuses on topics that we know well.

I gave this book 10/10.

Annie Year 10



Well researched.

Highlights real world issues.

Relationships are well described.

Good sub plots throughout the story, such as Anna's history project.


Some sub plots to not come to a conclusion - the reader is left wondering what will happen.

The book only really starts with the main event in them middle of the story.

In my opinion, the book is aimed more at girls.

My rating 6/10, 3 HOGSTARS Max Year 11




by Sarah Crossan


by Thomas Taylor

'A Pinch of Magic'

by Michelle Harrison


By Sarah Crossan

The tale of the unlikely friendship between an elderly woman - Marla -suffering from dementia and a teenage runaway Allison, who Marla mistakes for an old friend Toffee. The book explores issues of domestic abuse and family trouble really well and the presentation of the words on the page was interesting but sometimes annoying. I wasn’t overly engaged with the book but wasn’t bored by it either which is why for me it got 3/5.

RATING: 3/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I found it a dark but also deeply poetic (haha) book. The way it put the two main characters as complete opposites, a young girl who remembers too much and an old woman who keeps forgetting, was like two sides of the same coin. they were both trying to find happiness and that’s what I love about this book.

Rosie Year 10



The book is written in a unique style.

Highly thought-provoking.

Good ending.

Good use of repetition throughout the book.

Despite the book's overall lack of description, the connection between Allison and Martha is portrayed well.

Allison's family issues are a good sub-plot to the story.


Other than the relationships, scenes could be described in more detail.

My rating 8.5/10, 4.25 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I thought Toffee was great. Although it was quite subtle I loved how this book was centred around tolerance with other people as well as mental health. I also love how this book shows the reader that kindness goes a long way and that people should be accepting of people if they aren't quite like them. I loved Marla in this book as she has a loveable personality. I gave this book 8/10.

Annie Year 10


The author is good at tying up ends and it's quite educational (as it does and might happen). The language and speech is very good and aimed at my age group. The atmosphere is good and the reader can get involved with lifelike and believable characters. Grace Year 9



By Thomas Taylor

I loved Malamander! I expected it to be a bit confusing but once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down and read it extra quickly! I loved the setting Eerie-On-Sea and the mysterious aspect of this book. I especially loved the legend of the Malamander and the fascinating story that definitely made me want to read on. My favourite character was Violet Parma as I loved her personality and the story if how she was abandoned. I gave this book 8/10.

Annie Year 10


The author did a great job at writing this book, loose ends all tied up; it can be educational. You get to understand the characters and they are very believable. The language is easy to understand. The author gets the atmosphere, setting and speech really well. I really enjoyed reading this book and it is aimed at a wide year span. Grace Year 9



Relationships are well described.

Sub-plots add tension throughout the story.

Powerful message.

Action scenes are build up well.



The book is repetitive in places, mostly in scenes with just Herbie.

The book may be aimed at a younger age group.

My rating 7.5/10, 3.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


'A Pinch of Magic'

By Michelle Harrison

The author ties up all the ends and it was a good, fun read even though it was not very educational. The language and speech is very good for the time and age. The characters are lifelike. The setting and atmosphere is very good. I really liked this book it was great and gets the reader involved.

I can't wait to read the next one! Grace Year 9


Three sisters get magical objects and use them to change the curse in their past, which stops them from leaving the island alive. This book was okay but nothing special. I liked some parts but overall it was quite slow and not extremely interesting.

I rate this book 4/10 - I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, it was alright.

Eve Year 10


I really liked Pinch of Magic but thought it was slightly young for my age group and would only recommend it to younger readers. However, I did like the magical aspect as I think this appeals to the reader and grasps their attention which it did for me. It was a very unique story with interesting characters. I gave this book 7/10.

Annie Year 10



Unpredictable in places.

The ever-changing relationship between Colton and Betty is well described.

Good action scenes.

Tension in places.


This book is targeted primarily at younger readers.

Slow start.

Lack of characterisation.

My rating 6/10, 3 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


This Week's books (Monday November 30th)...

'Beauty Sleep'

by Katheryn Evans

'The Haven'

by Simon Lelic

'Can You See Me?'

by Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott

'Beauty Sleep'

By Kathryn Evans


Unpredictable - the plot takes unexpected turns throughout the story.

I like how the story is told through both Laura's and Shem's experiences - before they are brought together at the end of the story.

Well described action scenes throughout the book.

Brilliant characterisation.


The book may be confusing for younger readers.

Repetition at the start of the story when Laura is trying, but unable, to find out about Stacey.

My rating 8/10, 4 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I thought this book was very good with a very cliff hanger ending and explained with a big plot twist. You can get attached to the characters and all of them are lifelike. It is very good book for someone my age and it was written with language that suited the characters. Grace Year 9


Laura is frozen for 40 years as she is sick and then given a new body. The storyline is about new life and adjusting and the plot twist at the end was an interesting twist. I really liked this plotline and found the book interesting, I kept wanting to read on and I loved the plot twists.

I really enjoyed the book and the futuristic elements and think other people will enjoy it too.

I rate this book 7.5/10. Eve Year 10


This book was okay. I think others could enjoy it more than I did, but I just did not enjoy the book all that much. I can't recall everything from it, but from what I remember feeling, I think I found it quite boring, a little weird, and very far fetched. It was based in the future so no one can really dismiss the idea and, of course, it was all fictional, but the whole concept was just difficult to become involved and believe in. It is written pretty well, but other than that, there isn't much that stood out about the book to me. I probably wouldn't recommend this book, but it isn't completely awful so I guess some people might like it. I think that age range would be about 12-16, it isn't a kids book, but it isn't really a book for adults either, so it would suit about that age range. Nell Year 9


After reading 'Beauty Sleep', I thought it was so heart-warming and emotional. It seemed quite a weird plot but when it all came together I absolutely loved it. I loved the description of the change in technology in the future and the characters who may come from different situations but can still be drawn together. I gave 'Beauty Sleep' 9/10.

Annie Year 10

'The Haven'

By Simon Lelic

From the beginning to the end of the story you understand it and it didn't get confusing because the author came up with an interesting, yet simple plot. I would recommend this book for younger readers as it was exciting throughout most of the book. However, I felt some parts were rushed.

You get to know most of the investigating team, however, I think the author had too many people in it because when they were talking to Sol I had to look back because the author hadn't properly introduced them all.

The writing style didn't challenge me and was quick and easy to read, so I would recommend it for younger children.

I rate this book 15/20. Olivia Year 9


This was an excellent book with language to match. It does end on a bit of a cliff hanger, with another book to follow, which is good as some things needed finishing or explaining. You can get attached to the characters and at the same time it is very believable with things similar happening in today's society. I liked it very much. Grace Year 9



Gripping start - the story goes straight into the action.

Great use of subplots throughout the story.

Good characterisation.

Brilliant and unexpected ending.

Action scenes throughout the story are in the right places and well described.

The writer focuses on Ollie's journey well, from an ordinary boy to being part of the Haven.


Parts of the book are a bit slow between major points in the story.

Sometimes repetitive when talking about Ollie's parents' death.

My rating 8, 4 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


If I had to describe the book 5 words they would be - Alex Rider meets Oliver Twist. The beginning of the book was the high point for me - if that doesn’t say something I don’t know what does. I found it hard to wrap my head around a colony of children living underground, with the older ones running a school and elite training academy despite being teenagers themselves. Of course, there is a Cruella de Ville-esque villain in the form of businesswoman “Maddie Sykes”- where have I heard the name “Sykes” before? The other main characters were appropriately named Ollie (the protagonist), Dodger and Nancy. The resident magic granny whose eyes resembled those of the Pale Man - meaning she had none - topped it off. I felt the plot was too predictable and unoriginal and the story was very forgettable.

RATING: 2/5 Stars

Destine Year 12

'Can You See Me?'

By Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott

This book, although I think it was written in a style that suited a younger audience, was a real eyeopener in terms of educating me about Autism. It had the typical “starting high school” plot but from a different perspective, which made it unique. Scott and Wescott are able to make you feel the frustration that Tally’s family feel, yet you still empathise with Tally who can’t help the way she behaves. I loved the relationship with Nell, Tally’s older sister, and Tally, who begins as a teenager who does not understand her sister at all and although she still isn’t perfect at the end, you can tell that she understands her sister a lot better. The symbolism of the Tiger mask was also really clever and overall this is a great book for all ages.

RATING: 3.9/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I gave 'Can You See Me?' 4 out of 5 stars as it was written to bring and show awareness of unseen disabilities and explains Tally's perspective due to the diary entries.

I would read this book again.

Polly Year 10


After reading 'Can You See Me?' I thought it was fascinating. It was a very clever angle to write from as it gives an insight into the mind of someone we might see as a bit 'different'. I thought it was quite emotional and after reading it, recommended this book to my mum. I gave this book 8/10.

Annie Year 10


In 'Can You See Me' we are given an insight into Tally's life with autism and the book shows more awareness of autism and how she copes. I thought this book was okay, it had a more wholesome meaning and presented one persons type of autism well, as I feel this helped me to stop and think more about others (which was the purpose - partly). The book was short and sweet and informative.

I rate this book 6/10 - this was a good book, which I thought was okay but not a winning book.

Eve Year 10


This book really spoke to me a lot. We read it in book club and I found it very touching on a personal level as I have a family member with autism, so a lot of what the main character went through was understandable. 10/10 would read again. Rosie Year 10


This a very good book with the right language. It shines a new light on a thing we see around us and helps us to feel about today's society. The characters are quite believable and lifelike as it could be similar to people in society. The language was easy to understand with scenes and atmosphere at its best for that person. I would highly recommend it and it is aimed mainly to year 7 students. Grace Year 9



Thought provoking.

Well researched.

I like the use of Tally's diary entries throughout the story.

Good characterisation.

Powerful message for all readers.

It is good how the author focuses equally on Tally's life at school and at home.

Subplots make the story more interesting and add tension.


Unnecessary repetition of events in some scenes.

My rating 8.5/10, 4.25 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


This Week's books (Monday November 9th)...


by Meredith Russo

'A Curse so Dark and Lonely'

by Brigid Kemmerer

'The Boy Who Steals Houses'

by C.G. Drews


By Meredith Russo

I thought this book was written very interestingly. I loved how it was told over multiple years and showed the change in the characters’ personalities as they grew older but then at the same time were very much the same underneath. I loved how the book showed that what people expect from others isn’t always what they are going to do or what they want. I also loved the characters in this book so I gave it 8/10.

Annie Year 10


I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because it really integrates you in the story and it invokes many emotions - especially on the 16th birthday.

I would definitely read this book again.

Polly Year 10


This book had an easy plot to follow, but at the end lots of new characters got quickly added and I wasn't sure who they were. I also enjoyed how they showed the different points of view from Morgan and Eric, as it meant you were able to see how each person thought about the events.

I think the author describes the characters thoughts and feelings very clearly but simply. So, it wasn't confusing when reading the book and because of the story plot, Eric acts how you think he would for a teenage boy. However, I like how Morgan isn't sure how he feels and you are able to see when he realises what he wants. It was an easy book to read as the language isn't challenging and it is easy to follow.

I rate this book 18/20. Olivia Year 9



I like how the story is told from the viewpoints of both Eric and Morgan.

The story explores real world issues.


Deep and important moral.

Family relationships are described well in the story.


Some scenes are quite repetitive.

It is unrealistic that the events in the book only happen on Eric and Morgan's birthdays.

Lack of general description throughout the book.

My rating 6/10, 3 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I've read birthday and it’s amazing. I cried from about half way through to the end and had to read it again just to stop. The accuracy and the story is just amazing. I love the character details and the way it’s written. just, amazing! Rosie Year 10


I like how it changes from each person's point of view and how their personalities change over the course of the book. It was not my favourite, but I like the way it is written. Grace Year 9


I don't remember much about 'Birthday' because it didn't really appeal to me. I found it confusing, however, I learnt a lot. I found it very educational and it handled serious matters. I did find it quite confusing and I didn't like the violence. I thought the idea of the birthdays was clever but just as I was getting into one timeline it would suddenly change and I don't think it was suitable for all ages, however both boys and girls would find it fascinating.

6/10 Emilia Year 9


This book follows two main characters, Eric and Morgan, they are two friends who were born on the same day, at the same time and in the same places. They were always close, but as they got older they started to grow apart. Both of them start struggling to find who they are. As their 13th birthday approaches Morgan feels like things are changing and he doesn't feel right in his own body...

One thing I loved about this book is the layout of it and how it is told on their birthday every year for 6 years. I would give this book 18/20 because it is a powerful and eye-opening story about self-acceptance, friendship and coming to terms with who you really are. Ruby Year 9

'A Curse so Dark and Lonely'

By Brigid Kemmerer

This is a very good book, I loved it. I love how relationships build and how she is willing to do anything for someone else that she has only just met. I rate this book very high. Grace Year 9



Unpredictable throughout.

Tension is built up well during action scenes.

Good characterisation.

I like how the story is told from both Harper's and Rhen's viewpoint.

The ever-changing connection between Harper and Rhen is described well.

I like the role Grey plays in the story.


In some places it felt like the book 'dragged on' slightly.

I think that Harper and Jake's situation, with their mum in Washington D.C., could have been described in a little more detail.

My rating 7.5/10, 3.75 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


I found this book a decent read except the plot seemed very much inspired by Beauty and the Beast, therefore I found it slightly boring. However, I did like the subtle twists from The Beauty and the Beast story. I gave this book 5/10 as it was an engaging story but it felt very copied.

Annie Year 10


In my opinion, this was a fantastic book that I really struggled to put down. I really got to know the characters and really liked seeing them develop throughout the plot. I did also believe it would appeal to both boys and girls and it was rather suitable for all ages except the violence in a few parts. The plot was intriguing and unpredictable causing me not to put it down. Despite this, I think that it did take a little while to get into and the majority of the action happened near the end of the book.

8/10 Emilia Year 9


This book was absolutely lovely. It was a amazing concept and was executed very well. as stated in the title, the book is about a curse being broken by the typical solution that is 'true love'. It could be compared to Disney's the beauty and the beast as in both stories the love interest is at first resistant to the idea of falling in love with a prince she barely knew, however, a curse so dark and lonely has a very modern twist to it. While not always realistic with the curses and dark magic, the book does deal with real life problems including difficult home situations and family issues. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves romance, adventure, Disney and female power. I think the book's age range would be 12+ as some parts in the book would be too confusing and a few of the topics discussed would be too mature for younger ages. Nell Year 9

'The Boy Who Steals Houses'

By C.G. Drews

Wow, this book was emotional!

This book follows a boy called Sam who is fifteen and his autistic older brother, Avery, who have been abandoned by their family. The only way they can survive is by breaking into empty houses when the owners aren't there. One day, when they are in a house that they have stolen the family returns home. It turns out that the family that lives there have lots of friends and they all assume that Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam becomes good friends with the children in the house and soon starts to fall for a girl who lives there called Moxie.

I loved this book from start to finish and I hugely recommend it. I would give this book 17/20 as it shares the importance of families and that you should love your own as there are many people who don't have one. Ruby Year 9


I thought the book was okay. It wasn't great but it wasn't awful either. I felt that the author didn't portray severity of the situation the characters were in. C. G Drews put a childish spin on the topic of abuse and idealised it by conveying the whole situation as an adventure, as if escaping an abusive house hold and living on the streets was something to enjoy. While I understand topics like these are difficult to capture within pages of a book, I feel as though the author missed the entire point. She may have been trying to show that coming from an abusive household doesn't define who you are, but I don't think that message was shown well enough throughout the book. The romance part of the story was quite cute, but I just feel as though some of the ideas in the book were too farfetched and extremely unrealistic. I think age range would be 12 year olds I suppose. Some elements of the book were very childish and something a younger kid would enjoy, but, of course, the subject of abuse and homelessness would be too mature for an 8 year old to read. Nell Year 9



The relationship between Avery and Sam is well described.

Good description of scence involving Sam and the De Lainey family.

Tension builds up near the end.

Fast-paced action scenes.

I like how some chapters describe Sam's past experiences.


It is somewhat predictable that Sam will go back to the De Lainey family.

Start is slightly confusing.

My rating 7/10, 3.5 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


Really good. I like how sometimes it goes fast paced like his thoughts, feelings or what is going on around him. I really like it when he saves Jack for Moxie and still wants to do the right thing. I really enjoyed this book and if there is a second one I am going to be reading it definitely. Grace Year 9


In my opinion, this book was really interesting and unusual. I really like the way in which it was written because you were in his thoughts. This contributed to me as a reader feeling worried and scared for Sammy the main character. Also, I couldn't predict what was going to happen so I was constantly on the edge of my seat. However, I do think in a way there were too many plot twists, so it did at times get complicated. Also, it would in no way be suitable for younger children.

7/10 Emilia Year 9


I found this book excellent. I loved how it was told from an angle of someone who had a difficult life and faced many struggles. I loved how the book also showed that no matter what people have done they always deserve a second chance and an opportunity to turn their life around. I found the story very interesting and emotional. I gave this book 9/10. Annie Year 10


Sam's life is tough as he has been abandoned by all his family. He steals houses and moves on when the owner returns. One family begins to look after him and in the end he falls for Moxie.

Overall I liked this book as I became invested in the plot and related to the characters as I felt their emotions throughout. The contrasts between the happy family inside and the world when Sam was on his own made the book more emotive as it switched between these two scenes.

The book was a nice read and I enjoyed it, however, it is not a special standout book. I rate this book 6/10

Eve Year 10


This plot was very unique and enjoyable. I never got confused because the author always introduced people and information all through the book, which made it easy and enjoyable to read and follow. In this book, you get very attached to the characters as you get to understand them and know how they will react and their different personalities. The writing style was simple but I would recommend it for older children and young adults because of the storyline.

I rate this book 18/20. Olivia Year 9


A heart-warming, unique story unlike anything I’ve read it. I’m glad the book wasn’t overly romanticized, but the story was clever and at times really emotional. Drews explores the tragedies and hardships faced by two very different families and it comes together beautifully at the end. A must read and another book for my film list!

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12

This Week's books (Monday October 26th)...

'The Gifted, the Talented and Me'

by William Sutcliffe

'Two Can Keep a Secret'

by Karen McManus

'Five Feet Apart'

by Rachael Lippincott

'The Gifted, the Talented and Me'

By William Sutcliffe

Sam moves to the city and has to attend a school for the talented, where he feels he doesn't belong. We read through his struggles, sadness and how he fits in.

This was another book that I enjoyed because it was a more simple rea. There were funny elements to the book, contrasting with the bigger sad ideas, which I liked and overall it was a good read.

It was not special but still good. I rate it 6/10. Eve Year 10


I loved this book. It was hilarious and yet super relatable. We all know a new school can be hard and the way the book described this was quite impressive. As my age is similar to that of the characters this helped me to really connect with the storyline and I loved it. I gave this book 8 out of 10. Annie Year 10



Humorous throughout.

Good moral.

Good characterisation.

I like the way the real world is incorporated into the book.

A variety of scenes throughout the book - all are well described.

Effective sub-plots throughout the story.


Slightly predictable near the end.

My rating 9/10, 4.5 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


Hilariously clever and funny, I loved the concept of the book and the way that Sam, the protagonist, handles himself around all the crazy people around him - even the members of his own family. The story was witty and was almost a satire of creative arts schools, which as someone who is into all that stuff, I really enjoyed. I could not put it down and it made me laugh out loud - well worth a read.

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12

'Two Can Keep a Secret'

By Karen McManus

A thrilling read from the author of “One of Us is Lying”, the book was full of twists and turns until the very end. Without spoiling anything, the line said to Ellery by the culprit at the end gave me chills! Like her previous Hogwards shortlist book, Two can keep a secret hasn’t got a predictable plot at all and I could not put it down. It definitely deserves a place in the shortlist this year and also has earned a place on my “make into film” list.

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I actually really enjoyed this book. I read it with everyone else in my book group and they enjoyed it too, however, they found the names to be quite confusing, and I did too. It was a murder mystery book with new found family relationships and hidden secrets, which is expected in this kind of book, but of course, there were a few red herrings and plot twists along the way.

The story was really interesting and exciting, however, I think it was quite tricky to follow. With the concept being history repeating itself and all the different and similar names, the whole thing was hard to understand. I was able to get most of the story but only because I discussed it with several others who were reading it at the same time.

I thought the concept and the story was really clever and I did enjoy this book, but only after I was able to understand who was who and what was actually going on. I think this book is for older teens (15+) just because any younger students will probably get confused and not enjoy the book. Nell Year 9


I liked this book, the mystery element was good and the plot unfolded at a good pace (only slow in two parts), but it was not as good as the author's previous book - which was in the HOGWARDS last year.

I rate this book 8/10 - it was overall a good book which was standalone, a good mystery and can be enjoyed by many. Eve Year 10





Action from the start of the book.

Brilliant dramatisation throughout the story.

You could not predict who the killer was.

All characters are well described, particularly Officer Rodriguez's connection with Ellery.


Unnecessary repetition in places.

There are some scenes near the start of the book that do not really contribute to the story - these could have been omitted.

My rating 8.5/10, 4.25 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


In my opinion this book was confusing but good. The idea behind this story was clever but I think the author may have over complicated it slightly. The mystery was enjoyable and it made me think a lot, but the names and many different stories within it confused me. Just as I was understanding it, it would change to a different perspective, introduce a new character or have a twist. The mystery was clever and I don't think I guessed it. It was very good to discuss with others but again the names were too confusing so we often didn't know what someone was talking about. If it was less confusing then I would have really enjoyed it as the story was quite good.

7/10 Emilia Year 9


As this is a mystery book the author manages to add all the clues and questions at the end. It was hard to work out who committed the murder which meant I wanted to keep reading. I like how you get to know the past of Echo Ridge and the background of the characters. However, the author adds lots of characters and details at one point, which means when a character (they introduced earlier) was reintroduced I wasn't always sure who it was and had to look back in the book for their name. The language was easy to understand and the author switched between Malcome and Ellery which was useful because you saw everything from two different points of view. This meant you knew different and extra facts than any of the other characters in the book.

I rate this book 15/20. Olivia Year 9

'Five Feet Apart'

By Rachael Lippincott

Stella and Will both have dangerous lung conditions and must stay 5 feet apart, at all times, to prevent the risk of infecting each other. They eventually fall for each other and struggle to upkeep the rule.

This book was very good and sad, much better than the film (which I partly watched after reading the book). I love the story of their relationship and how the plot unfolds but the ending is very sad.

I rate this book 8/10 - I really liked this and think lots of people will, but not everyone. Eve Year 10


I found this book so emotional and moving. It was so interesting to imagine it and put myself in the position of someone constricted by a condition. It was so heart-warming and I loved it. I gave this book 8 out of 10. Annie Year 10



Strong morals

Engages the reader

All scenes are well described, as is the connection between Stella and Will.


In my opinion, the book is aimed mostly for girls.

Despite being well described, some scenes are ineffectual.

Repetitive scenes between Stella and Will.

My rating 7/10, 3.5 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


This book is amazing! Absolutely amazing! I loved it so so so much! I understand that not everyone would like it due it being a romance novel and solely based around 'forbidden' love, but I loved it because of the devastating spin that the author put on it.

They both have an illness called cystic fibrosis and aren't allowed to get within six feet of one another for the risk of getting deathly ill from the other's sickness. Of course they fall in love with all odds stacked against them, but the problems they encounter along the way are so realistic and heart wrenching that you can't help but want them to work, no matter how cheesy and basic the love story concept is. Although those who don't enjoy love stories probably wouldn't like this book, I still think that they would enjoy the other parts to the book instead. It talks about what it's really like to be sick, how it affects others and how they deal with it. If you like the fault in our stars, this is definitely the perfect book for you.

Nell Year 9


'Five Feet Apart' is a good book (please note that I can see Eloise doing a stupid dance and it is distracting - but I think she should do the Conga by herself next) and has a touching storyline (I cried). It is also very well written and I enjoyed it a lot. Freya Year 10


In my opinion this book was AMAZING and one of my favourites. I though it was extremely educational, whilst interesting and captivating also. It really made me think, laugh and even cry! It will definitely go down as one of my favourite books and I have recommended it to many. I think it was rather suitable for most ages, however, some things were quite mature. It may not interest boys as much as girls, due to the romance aspect but it did have a definite storyline that I think even boys would enjoy.

10/10 Emilia Year 9

This Week's books (Monday October 12th) ...

'The Girl Who Came Out of the Woods.'

by Emily Barr

'Gloves Off'

by Louisa Reid

'On the Come Up'

by Angie Thomas

'The Girl Who Came Out of the Woods'

By Emily Barr

After reading “The Truth and Lies of Ella Black” in Hogwards 2019, I did not have high hopes for this book. However, when I began reading this book, I was shocked at how good it was. The plot was really unique and the way the book was set in the past and present drew you in and I could not put it down. Barr makes you feel empathy towards Arty and her plight and without spoiling too much, the twist at the end was really heart-warming. Definitely film material.

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


I somewhat enjoyed this book but also somewhat disliked it. I thought it was a very good ending and quite enjoyed the storyline. I connected very very well with Arty and thought it was a good idea. I do think certain parts were perhaps unnecessary and it didn't always explain things fully. Also, I thought it lacked description. 7/10 Emilia Year 9


The book is about Arty and her family, who live in a clearing in India and follows her as she comes 'out of the woods' trying to find her uncle Matthew and Tania (her deceased mother's friend).

I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars, because it is an enjoyable book but confusing at times with a dual narrative of Arty and Matthew...I would maybe read this book again. Polly Year 10


I liked the plot twist near to the end of the book as I had expected something very different. I wish I had know that there would be a plot twist at the end, however, because other that that, the book wasn't very captivating. I was just hoping for it to be over as the story seemed to be quite predictable, so when the book took an unexpected turn, I was very shocked but also relieved that I hadn't wasted my time reading I book I didn't enjoy very much. I think others would like reading this book, but only if they are able to get through a slow and boring beginning and make it to the unexpected ending. I can't quite decide whether or not the ending was worth the wait, I think it depends on what sort of book you enjoy, but for someone who likes putting pieces of a puzzle together, this is definitely the book for you. Nell Year 9


I loved this book and was engrossed in it. I especially liked the storyline of following Arty - who was struggling to find her way. I liked the layout of the story too, and how alongside the story of Arty there was a story about someone locked in a basement. The link was later revealed, but it kept you guessing right until the end.

I would give this book 17/20 because I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite it not being my favourite book that I have read in the HOGWARDS. Ruby Year 9


This book was very good, it had a strong plot and the ending was good. It was well written and you could really connect with the characters and you always understood what was going on. It was a good book for our age group and I really liked the plot and the way the author described Arty moving from her tribe to the regular world. Freya Year 10


'Gloves Off'

By Louisa Reid


This book is written in a unique style.

Relevant to real world issues.

Powerful message.

It is easy for the reader to relate with what is happening in the story.

I like how the sub-plot of Lily's family issues has relevance to her boxing.

Despite the poetry style, scenes are well described throughout the book.


I feel that the writer could have described what Lily's life was like after her fight.

Slightly slow start to the story.

My rating 8.5/10, 4.25 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


The book follows Lily, who was bullied by people at school for being overweight and because of this she starts to box to become healthy. I would give this book 2 stars out of 5 because I found it quite boring and it dragged on a bit. I would not read this book again. Polly Year 10


I quite enjoyed this book because I think it discussed serious issues that many young teenagers are unaware of. I also liked the structure, as I found it interesting and easier to read. I did however think that it may not be suitable for younger readers due to certain aspects of the book, such as her mum's refusal to eat and I didn't like the violence. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.

7/10 Emilia Year 9


I enjoyed this book, and although it was quite a quick read it was also a relatable and powerful one too. I liked how the book had a meaningful and uplifting message. I really enjoyed how it was told through verse (I love verse novels) and I read it quite quickly. Ruby Year 9


This was a poem book and I hadn't ever read one before so the style of it was new and interesting. It was a quick book to read because of this. I wasn't in love with the story, however. There was nothing about it that really grabbed my attention. It was more of a glance over each page to be able to understand the story, rather than a book I could fall in love with it. Although it tackled one of society's many issues, body image and obesity, I think other books could do a better job. From what I understood, the story was basically an obese girl who found that she actually liked working out, as if her size and 'laziness' was the problem and not the people at school who were mean or the other people who stare and judge her. The book portrayed that people who are over weight are all miserable and just need to work and get thinner to be happy. I don't think books should be spreading this message. I understand that some people may view this book as inspiring, but I just think it is another excuse to shame obese people for not working out and it enforces a negative stereotype. Nell Year 9

'On the Come Up'

By Angie Thomas

Similarly, to her other Hogwards winning book “The Hate U Give”, this book did not disappoint. Also like on the come up, the book was scarily relevant to the times we live in now. Not to spoil anything but the way Bri, the protagonist, is arrested by the school security is eerily similar to the tragic case of George Floyd, and it is almost as if Thomas predicted that these issues would get out of hand if they weren’t dealt with soon. The book tackles issues of race, gang violence, drug addiction, poverty, loss and police brutality very well through the eyes of the next generation. This is a book that really resonated with me and managed to be hilarious, heart-breaking and heart-warming at the same time. An absolute masterpiece from Angie Thomas and a must read, with the film version currently in pre-production at Paramount Players.

RATING: 5/5 Stars

Destine Year 12


This book is an amazing book. I love it with a passion, it was better than 'The Hate U Give' (also by Angie Thomas). If you could marry a book I would marry this one. It has a very strong plot and it was also educational on racism, as well as having an engaging storyline. I enjoyed it very much and it is definitely good for people my age. Freya Year 10


After reading 'The Hate U Give' (also by Angie Thomas) I was probably expecting too much. This book was okay but nothing special. The plot made sense, the characters are mostly believable and relatable and I did feel that I wanted to read on, however, I was disappointed that it wasn't as good as her previous book.

I rate this book 7/10 - a good book that people would like. Eve Year 10


Wow! This book was amazing! Out of all the books I've read, this is definitely one of my favourites. While I don't think it is suitable for all ages to read given that fact that there is a lot of swearing and the topics discussed are somewhat tricky to understand, the message this book portrays should be spread everywhere. Although I couldn't ever know how I'd feel in some of the situations the characters were in, I believe that by reading this book I have gained more of an understanding for how others feel. This book is fiction, but I think a lot of the content could be applied in real life. More people should read this book and others like it because not only does it have an amazing story line that makes you never want to put it down, it also has elements of reality that the reader can then take and apply into the real world. Nell Year 9


This book is about 16 year old Bri who wants to be a rapper but faces family issues with money and every day racism. I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars because it was repetitive and boring and dragged on. I would not read this book again. Polly Year 10



Deep moral.

The book brilliantly explores real world issues.

Very realistic.

The author combines Bri's life at and out of school very well.

Good characterisation.

The relationships between Bri and her family are described well.

Tension in action scenes throughout the book.



A lot of unnecessary slang is used throughout the story.

My rating 9/10, 4.5 HOGSTARS Max Year 11


In my opinion, 'On the Come Up' was not as great as everyone was making it seem. I thought some aspects were good, in that you got to know the characters well, it would appeal to both boys and girls and it handled important issues whilst promoting antiracism, but other than that I didn't enjoy it. I thought that there was too much foul language (which I understand contribute to the story) which was often difficult to understand. I found myself dreading reading it, instead of wanting to read on. I felt there wasn't enough of a story to it.

5/10 Emilia Year 9