Personalized Learning Leadership Conference

Personalized Learning Leadership Conference - June 25-26, 2019

The theme of this year's conference is “Transforming Classroom Instruction with Personal and Student-Centered Practices.” It’s now a two-day program:

· Pre-Conference Workshops on Tuesday, June 25, 2019. more...

· Main Conference on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. more...

The conference is being co-hosted by Dr. Valerie Kinloch, Dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Education, and will be held on campus at the William Pitt Union. It is intended for district and building leadership teams as well as instructional leaders, teachers and coaches.

We have an amazing group of speakers and sessions, including both nationally known thought-leaders and local leaders from SWPA. Here are the highlights:

  • Allison Zmuda, co-author with Bena Kallick of Students at the Center, Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind and author/moderator of the website
  • Lydia Dobyns, CEO of New Tech Network and co-author of Better Together, How to Leverage School Networks for Smarter Personalized and Project-Based Learning
  • John Pane, RAND Corporation's Distinguished Chair in Education Innovation and lead researcher on formative personalized learning research studies
  • Valerie Truesdale, former Chief Technology and Transformation Officer of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District and currently Associate Director of AASA
  • Teams from KnowledgeWorks and the REL Mid-Atlantic will be presenting pre-conference workshops on June 25 and joining breakout sessions at the main conference on June 26
  • The Museum Lab, an innovative new STEM-oriented initiative of the Children's Museum, will be hosting a site visit/roundtable with the Manchester Academic Middle School on June 25
  • Ulcca Joshi Hansen from Education Reimagined will share their Transformational Vision for Education
  • Local leaders from Avonworth, Consortium for Public Education, Elizabeth Forward, Fox Chapel, Manchester Academic, Montour, New Castle, North Allegheny, Propel and many others

Personalized Learning Leadership – Transforming Classroom Instruction

June 25-26, 2019

William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh

3959 Fifth Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Parking @ Soldiers and Sailors Garage (right across the street)

Conference Pricing

The fees include access to all conference sessions as well as coffee service and lunch.

· $95.00 Educator Registration Fee – Both Days

· $65.00 Educator Registration Fee – Single Day

· $175.00 Company Representative Registration Fee

A 20% discount is available for groups of (5) or more. Grant funded (free) registrations are available for schools supporting low-income families. Details are on the Eventbrite registration page.

Program Overview

The conference has been structured to model personalized learning practices throughout the day with more time for interactive workshops and peer networking. The usual rush from breakout session to breakout session doesn’t allow for enough time to take a closer look at exciting new ideas and brainstorm possibilities with your peers from other districts.

The agenda will include national leaders as well as innovative educators from across SWPA. Click on the links that follow for more information: