Hook Week

Great Fire of London Art Work

To spark our imaginations, classes created different wall art based around the Great Fire of London. The children used watercolours to design the houses and flames, before using a splash technique to create a flame filled sky as a background.

Expert Visitor - Firefighter James from SYFR

Firefighter James visited to talk to the children. He spoke about the life of a firefighter, some of the equipment and uniforms, as well as discussing how to stay safe and what to do in a fire!

Creating Pudding Lane

The children were treated to a remake of the Great Fire of London. Following our safety briefing from James at South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, we placed our houses on the car park to remake Pudding Lane. Sadly, a spark of fire from the bakery set our street alight. But all was not lost, the brave heroes manged to save the KIngs house and stop the rest burning down.

Superhero Training

We all donned our Superhero costumes and worked to get fit so that we could be the best Superheroes possible. We completed a Commando Jo assault course.  We made sure that we didn't cheat and fly around the course though!

The Great Fire of Plover

After creating a mini version of Pudding Lane, the children waited excitedly to see what would happen when the fire spread through our little town.

Superhero Poem

This week the children have learnt to recite and perform the poem, 'If I was a superhero!' by Sally Gray

Hook Week Reflection