Literature & Social Justice

 Examining Systems of Oppression Using the  Scientific Fields of 

Sociology and Psychology,  History, Art,  and Literature

Period 2 Google Classroom Code  dmv5cl3                  Period 3 Google Classroom Code   zdnnnpa


Literature and Social


Lit and Social Justice 23/24 Syllabus

Course Overview

Literature and The Dynamics of Social Justice is a one-year interdisciplinary English class that seeks to analyze the cause, effect, and consequence of social injustices by applying critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills to social justice issues. We will examine these issues with a critical lens using the  scientific fields of sociology and psychology, as well as history and the arts in order to grapple with essential questions about human relationships, moral decision-making, and justice. This course  focuses on the study of literature, history, art, and film to examine issues of identity, membership in society, and advocacy for a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. The course includes extensive reading with a primary focus on nonfiction resources, in-depth discussion, and substantial practice in writing to encourage a critical examination of human behavior as it relates to the issues of social justice.