Parent Handbook





Pleasant Hill, Missouri 64080


Program Goal

In creating the Pleasant Hill Primary Child Care Enrichment program, our main goal is to meet a need in the community.  A number of parents work outside the area, leaving early for work and arriving home late.  Our program has been developed with these parents in mind.  We want to offer the parents a sense of security and allow the children a time of fun and continued learning.

 Program Philosophy

We believe children should have a fun, relaxing place to spend their out of school time.  It should be a place to relax when they are tired or stressed, as well as a place to run and burn off extra energy that has built up during the school day.  We want the children to feel that this is a place where they are 

safe and loved.

 Program Objectives

To teach the children problem solving and conflict resolution skills

To enhance children’s academic success through educational games 

To teach the children basic self-help skills

To have fun

Group Divisions


Foxes— 1st Grade 

Dragonflies - 2nd Grade

Giants—3rd through 6th Grades

Sometimes we have to alter the above to keep the groups even.

General Information

Child Care:  

Childcare is available for children kindergarten through 6th grade.  Children may start the summer before kindergarten and may come until the summer before 6th grade.  Our facility is located in the lower part of the Primary School building.  Transportation of the children to and from the program is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.


Admission and Orientation Procedures:

At the time of enrollment, the parent/guardian is responsible for completing a registration form.  Parents may email Mrs. Long for a link to that registration form.  For new families, registration fees are due at this time.  Families that are already enrolled in the program will be billed the registration fee. You are welcome to bring your child with you and stay with him/her before the child starts attending to help with the adjustment process.  The director will help you schedule a time that would allow the best interaction time for your child.  Parents are welcome to drop in for visits anytime unannounced.  You are also welcome to call and check on your child or speak with your child at any time.  If we see that a child is having trouble finding children to play with him/her, we will ask some of our more outgoing children to invite the child to join them. 


Monday-Friday 6:00am-6:00pm

Child Care is available on all early release days, late start days, and most days that school is not in session including snow days.  

Children are to be walked into Child Care and checked in every morning by the adult that brings them!!!  

Drop-off in the back of the building in the Bus Lane from 6:00 a.m. til 7:45a.m.  *All vehicles must be out of Bus Lane by 7:45a.m . 

Any time after 7:45 a.m. you will need to drop –off in the front entrance and walk your child down to clock- in in the daycare.

*Afternoon Pick-up times in the Back of the building in the Bus Lane starts at 4:00 p.m., once the buses have left the Bus Lane.  If you come 

Earlier than 4:00 p.m., you must come to the front entrance and walk down to clock your child out in the daycare.

Attendance on day’s school is closed for Holidays or Non-school days:  

All families must have children in the daycare building by 10:00 a.m. or communicate with staff via. Email or phone call before 10:00 a.m.  This communication will let us know you are bringing your child on that day.  Anyone who arrives at childcare after 10:00 a.m., without a notification as stated above, will be denied care for that day. 


* Labor Day-- Monday (also the Friday before if school is not in session)

*Thanksgiving--Thursday and Friday

*December 24th - 31st

*New Year’s Day 

*Easter (Friday and Monday)

*Memorial Day—Monday (also the Friday before if school or summer school is not in session) 

*Independence Day

+If the holiday falls on a Sun. or a Tues. we will usually close on Mon.  If it falls on Thurs. or Sat., we will usually close on Fri. Notification of the exact dates will be provided in a timely manner.

Registration Fee:

School Term:  $45.00 for first child, $40 for each additional child

  $30.00 per child after January 1st

Summer Term:  $45.00 for first child, $40 for each additional child

                          $30.00 per child after July 15th

This fee is due at the beginning of each school year and each summer program that the child attends.

Weekly Tuition:

School year! 


Morning only- $40 for first child and $35 for siblings 

Afternoon only- $50 for first child and $45 for siblings 

Both morning and afternoon- $70 for first child and $65 for siblings


5 days a week- $110 for first child and $100 for siblings 

3 days a week- $65 for first child and $60 for siblings 


The rates above are a weekly payment amount. The rate will be due every Monday morning when you drop off your child. If you would like to pay in advance, that is fine, you just need to make sure that it is the exact amount for however many weeks. If you do not pay your amount your child/ren cannot stay at the daycare until it is paid and if it is not paid by Friday of that week you will lose your spot in the daycare. We will send out invoices on Tuesday mornings once we get payments entered into the system!  




Younger siblings of enrolled children do not have to go on our waiting list.  We will automatically take them when they are old enough.  We will also automatically take step brothers and sisters when the parents are married.  The children of a live-in boyfriend or girlfriend must go on our waiting list.


On school days, children may eat with the school breakfast program that begins approximately 30 minutes before the start of school. If you would prefer, you may send your child with a breakfast that they may eat in the child care.  We also allow you to bring a box of cereal with their name on it to have as a backup.


On days that school is not in session, children are to bring a sack lunch, unless otherwise notified.  Water is always available.  We keep a few snack items on hand for any children who forget to bring a lunch.  The cost is $1.80, which will be added to your weekly billing.  

Snack and Meal Time Guidelines:

Children are to eat only at the time meals or snacks are offered.  Exceptions are made for health or medical reasons only.  Afternoon snack is provided by childcare every day.  Children may also bring their own snack to eat during their group’s snack time, but they will forfeit the snack provided for that day.                                                 

Program Overview

Most of the time, the children are broken into 4 groups with 2 staff members assigned to each group.  Kindergarten are in the Elves, 1st graders are in the Dragonflies, 2nd graders are in the Foxes and 3rd-6th graders are in the Giants.  The exception to this is early in the morning, late in the evening and days when our attendance is very low. 

When groups are scheduled to be in centers, the children have free playtime in the building, house, art, game and library areas.  When groups are scheduled for the front or back playground, they have free playtime on the equipment or blacktop areas.  Often the children will organize games of kickball, tag or touch football, etc. on the blacktop area.  During the children’s gym time, they may play an organized game or have free play time—depending on the number of children and the circumstances.   We also allow for modifications in the schedule according to the children and their interests.  For example, when the weather is nice and a portion of a group would prefer to be at the playground instead of centers, the groups can be split with a teacher accompanying each group.  Children are allowed to go into the library area at any time to read or relax, no matter where their group is scheduled to be and homework is an option at any time.

We are a license-exempt program.  You are welcome to review any of our paperwork or materials pertaining to our license exempt status.  Legal guardians may also request to look at a child’s file at any time.

Disciplinary Procedures:

Starting Summer 2023, we began a ticket reward program, similar to the PBIS awards that the Primary School follows. Positive choices will get a ticket, with each choice varying from 1 ticket to 3 tickets.  With these tickets, they will be able to choose a treat from a treasure box, 10 tickets and more will result in a larger prize. This program  is a representation of their actions and hope that the students will learn to make positive choices. It will also help them learn to save up for larger items.

Discipline slips: 

Children may receive  “Notice of Misconduct” slip for Deliberate defiance, obscene inappropriate language, lack of respect, fighting, hitting etc. 

The Notices are 4 steps

**Slip will reset each school year, but will be discussed and taken into consideration at  the step 2 and 4 meetings, for  their return to the program in future to ensure safety of all staff and students. 

*Disclaimer* If a child is a threat or himself/herself or direct threat to another student/staff. Dr Brennaman/school officials will be contacted, and could result in immediate removal, to ensure a safe environment for all. 

Basic Rules:

I.  Safety

A.  Children may not do anything to hurt themselves.

II. Respect Others

A.  Children are to listen to staff.

B.  Children are to listen to the feelings of the other children.

C.  Children should solve problems using words.

D.  Children should follow the Golden Rule.       

III. Care for Materials and Equipment

A. Children should clean up after themselves.

B.  Children should not do anything to damage school property 

C.  Children should treat daycare materials like their own.

Playground Guidelines:

Overhead Monkey Bars:

*Go in one direction only

*Hang by hands only

*No pushing or shoving

*Do not pull at children while they are crossing

*No sitting on top of monkey bars

Fireman Pole:

*Use two hands and wrap legs around pole

*Move away after sliding down

*One person on pole at a time

Tube Slides:

*No climbing on outside of slides

*No climbing up the slides

*No stopping in the middle


*Need to sit on bottom

*Do not jump from swing while it is moving

**These are the same guidelines used while the children are in school. 

Dress code:

Shoes are preferable to flip-flops (for safety reasons)

No short shorts (should extend to fingertips)

No shirts with inappropriate pictures or slogans

No strapless tops

Primary school children must wear a coat or jacket if the temperature is below 50 degrees.  If it is between 50 and 60 degrees, children may take their coats off if they have long sleeves.  60 degrees and above does not require any type of jacket.  If children are playing very hard and begin to sweat, the staff will use their own discretion about letting them take off their coats.  Also, we lower the temperature requirements by 10 degrees with Elementary/Intermediate school children.  If you have a special request concerning your child and coat or hat, please submit to the staff in writing.

Illness Procedure:

Parents or guardians are notified when their child is showing signs of illness (i.e. fever, vomiting, or extreme change in behavior).  If the child appears to have something contagious, they will be separated from the other children until the parent or guardian arrives.  If the child begins to show signs of illness late in the day and the parent is due to arrive soon, the staff member will attend to the child until the parent arrives.

If a child is not well enough to go to school, then a child is not well enough to attend childcare.  Please do not bring a child who has a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.  We will be calling you to come back and get them.  You will also be called if your child is found to have head lice.  The child will need to be checked by a staff member before returning. 

Children may return to childcare if they are no longer vomiting, having diarrhea and are fever-free (without the use of medication) or with a doctor’s note saying the child is not contagious (such as an ear infection) and is feeling well enough to participate.  We will gladly give prescription medication as long as parents or guardians fill out a consent form.  Parents will be contacted if we feel a child would benefit from Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, or cough drops.


Minor injuries will be cared for without contacting the parent or guardian.  These are recorded in our accident log.  Major injuries will be reported to the parent or guardian immediately and handled as necessary.  An accident report is completed on ALL injuries requiring medical treatment. 

Child-Abuse/Neglect Procedures:

Staff have been instructed to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the director immediately.  The director will contact the building principal and a call to the Child Abuse Hotline will be made by either the director or the principal.  All attempts will be made to keep this confidential.  We are legally mandated reporters.

Disaster Plan:

Fire—Children will be evacuated to the back playground.  Building evacuation plans are posted on the refrigerator in the childcare area.  Staff will take attendance to be sure all children are accounted for.  Contact numbers will also be taken (if possible) and parents will be alerted to the situation.  The building principal and or Central Office will be contacted for relocation of the children to a different building if necessary.  

Tornado—Children will be gathered in our main area, which is the schools storm shelter.  Attendance will be taken and children will remain in this area until the “all clear” signal is given.  If the building is damaged by a tornado, the building principal and/or Central Office will be contacted for relocation of the children to a different building.

Parents will be contacted as soon as possible about the situation.  If possible, one staff person will stay at the building to alert parents that we are unable to contact.

Summer Program

We take field trips once a week during the summer (after summer school ends).  We try to plan a variety of fun and educational trips.  Children have the choice to go on the trip or to stay at childcare.  These trips are not included in your registration or tuition fees.  You will receive information about them before the summer program starts.  The money must be received and the permission slip signed for your child to go.  If you have paid for a field trip and have not given me a 7 day notice prior to the trip that your child will not be attending, you will NOT receive a refund.  Also, if the field trip missed is a pre-pay field trip, you will NOT receive a refund.  All refunds will only be given through the school District.  All refunds will have to get approval through the school board and checks are only cut after the business meeting, which is the 3rd Tuesday of the month.   We use the school's bus transportation for all out of town trips.  Parents or guardians are welcome to chaperone on field trips, but must provide their own transportation.

Children will need to bring a sack lunch every day.  We will offer pizza Fridays for $3.50 and will include 2 pizza slices, cookies and a capri sun.  Pizza lunches MUST be ordered by 9 am Friday.  We will send an invoice for all Fridays and remove them from your bill if your child does not eat for that Friday.  Children attending full time Summer School will not be able to order pizza due to them still at the summer school during lunch time.  They will be able to participate once summer school has ended.  We will also offer a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich with chips and a drink for $1.80, this will be added to your next invoice.  

Parents are asked to purchase a white cotton T-shirt for each child to tie-dye the first week of the summer program.  These shirts will be used on all of our field trips.  Please label your child’s shirt.  


To register your child or get them added to the waitlist, please email Michele Long or call (816) 540-2292