sprouts lvl 1

Agriculture is so much more than growing food- it's about your health and your community's health too. The Sprouts Lvl1 playlist is about getting your hands dirty! In this playlist you'll answer the questions:

  • How can agriculture affect my health?
  • What is nutrition and why do I care?
  • What can I do with this information?
  • Where is health happening in my community?
  • I'm ready to plant, now what?

You'll also dig deeper into topics of:

  • community pride
  • delayed gratification
  • holistic approaches to health

Now let's get gardening!


Earners of this badge have demonstrated:

  • advanced concepts in nutrition, based in self-awareness and body consciousness
  • advanced gardening techniques
  • skills in planning and organization
  • capacity for mentorship and teaching others
  • personal reflection and career-focused research
  • environmental awareness, especially through waste reduction


Healthy Decisionmaking


The learner actively considers options and makes healthy choices regarding diet, exercise habits, and workplace routines.



The learner provides guidance and care to another person through a constructive relationship by exhibiting behaviors such as offering advice, sharing knowledge, or increasing exposure to opportunities.

Career Planning


The learner demonstrates a purposeful and strategic approach to future work. The learner has a specific interest in acquiring a difficult and economically valuable skill.

Personal Growth


The learner identifies and understands pathways to opportunities that allow for personal, professional, or academic growth.

Selecting Materials


The learner knows the properties, characteristics, and sustainability of different materials and identifies which are best-suited to achieve the intended goals.

Assess & Plan


The learner assesses what materials, procedures, and supports are necessary to accomplish the intended goal and formulates a plan to gather the necessary components, both material and immaterial, accordingly.