Intro & Advanced Performance & Techniques

Students will learn the fundamentals of acting through improvisation and scripted material. Students will learn about believability, focus, intentions, and how to build a character. Much of the class will be hands-on learning based on participation, but some research, written work and reading will also be required.

Intro & Advanced Theater Production

Students learn “hands-on” about various aspects of theater technology. Students will build sets, focus lights, set up sound, design make-up and costumes, and learn basic stage managing skills. Though most of the class is hands-on, some written work and reading is required. While we use machines to create sets, safety is also a major concern. We will also focus on the safety precautions revolving around the tools associated with theater.

Intro & Advanced Film & Television

Students will review the history of the American cinema from its early beginnings to the start of the modern blockbuster era. Students will view films from a variety of genres including silent, comedy, thriller, musical, western, and film noir. In addition to full length films, students will watch and analyze various short clips of other films to demonstrate different techniques and genre styles.

Advanced Film & Television incorporates film production, and students will make their own short film.