Google Classroom
Here are a series of Parent and Student guides and tips for using Google Classroom
Resolving Login Issues
Unable to log in to Google Classroom and Unauthorized error
1. Try logging into Gmail or Drive first, then open Google Classroom. Once users have logged into Drive, then the Classroom may open up without the error. If you are on a tablet or phone, download and login to the Chrome and Drive apps first before trying to open Classroom.
2. The error might be due to having multiple Google accounts in chrome on a single device. We have seen this resolved by signing out of other google accounts before adding the new account for your child's account. If possible, try to use a different device or use a different web-browser for different accounts. For example, use Chrome to sign in for one child and then use Safari, Mozilla or Internet explorer to sign in for another child's account.
3. If non-district devices are being used, we recommend that a virtual desktop is used. The virtual desktop link can also be found in the 'Student' menu on our Plainedge School District website.

Viewing Your Work
Keeping track of your assignments in Classroom
Submitting images from your device
How to Upload a Photo to a Google Classroom Assignment in 2020
Google Classroom Tutorial for Students and Parents
Watch a Google Classroom tour
Submitting images from your device
How to Upload a Photo to a Google Classroom Assignment in 2020
How to Change Google Classroom Notification Settings
Receive emails when the teachers posts or grades your work
EdPuzzle Student Tutorials
Using multiple accounts with Google Classroom
The ability to have multiple Google accounts in chrome on a single device may only working on some devices.
When this issue arises we have seen it resolved by signing out of all google accounts before adding the new account for your child. Then close all software/apps on the device and even restart it.
Open Google Chrome and got to the upper right menu to sign in (or manage accounts). Sign in with your email address. You may be prompted by a SSO Pop-up window to sign in a second time, this is OK, and needed to sign in. Then open Goole Drive just to verify that it loads up correctly (then close it).
Now go back to the menu and add another account (keep all tabs and apps closed except Chrome), now sign in with another account and open Google Drive to verify it loads the correct account. Now you should be able to go back to the account menu and switch between both accounts.
Google Chrome and Drive are the main Google apps that need to be working in order for the other apps to work right (like Classroom / Meet / Slides / Sheets)
If this doesn't work, try to use a different device or use a different web-browser for each account. For example, use Chrome to sign in for one child and then use Safari, Mozilla or Internet explorer to sign in for another child's account.